Useful Tips To Design Online Training For Various Learning Styles

Useful Tips To Design Online Training For Various Learning Styles

Useful Tips To Design Online Training For Various Learning Styles

How To Create Online Training For Various Learning Styles

The existence of various models, to mark different learning styles, acknowledges the fact that each one of us learns differently.

What Is A Learning Style?

Our learning style is nothing but our preferred approach to learn, or to put it simply internalize, assimilate, process, and then apply. When we go through eLearning or other kinds of training that suits or matches our intrinsic learning style, we are able to learn effortlessly and effectively.

Therefore, there is a clear need for online training to match different learning styles. In this article, we will look at the different learning styles and see what techniques can be used to design eLearning courses (online training) to match different learning styles.

What Are The Different Types Of Learning Styles?

One of the commonly used models to identify key learning styles is the VARK model.

According to this, there are 4 types of learning styles mapping to the following types of learners:

Why Is It Vital To Offer Training That Maps To Different Learning Styles?

Most eLearning or online training programs are rolled out to very heterogeneous profiles of learners. Online training, therefore, needs to cater to all these primary learning styles. This can be accomplished through a multimodal approach.

Let us look at this challenge in the context of the VARK model and the need to look at a multimodal approach.

Instructional Designers must factor for this multimodal approach to be able to create training that is relevant to diverse learning styles.

How Can You Customize The Online Training Design For Diverse Learning Styles?

As Instructional Designers, we have access to the learning mandate, the business mandate, and key learner aspects (current proficiency, expected gain from the training, etc.). However, we have no data on the learning styles of learners.

More often than not, eLearning courses are rolled out to a rather heterogeneous profile of learners.

What Approach Would Work?

At EI Design, our learning designs use the following approaches to make the online training relevant and interesting for the learners:

What Techniques To Use To Customize Online Training Design For Diverse Learning Styles?

To illustrate how these approaches can be applied practically to customize the eLearning to suit different learning styles, let me share two techniques that we use extensively.

1. Use Personalization

Adult learners want control and the flexibility to be able to pick the learning experience, as well as the learning path that is most relevant for them. This is exactly where personalization of eLearning fits in.

You can give control to the learner through the following approaches:

2. Use Microlearning And Learning Paths

As we know, microlearning techniques allow us to control the treatment of each aspect of content at an extremely granular level.

I hope this article provides cues that you can use to customize eLearning to match the different learning styles of your employees. This will lead to higher employee engagement and will certainly lead to the required performance gain. If you have any specific queries, do contact me at

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