5 Reasons Why Mobile Learning Is Here To Stay For Good

5 Reasons Why Mobile Learning Is Here To Stay

5 Reasons Why Mobile Learning Is Here To Stay

A Trend That Isn't Going Anywhere

Cast your memory back to about 10 years ago, when mobile learning was first emerging in the mainstream media. It seemed ludicrous that employers had spent so long trying to banish mobile phones from their workplace and now they were encouraging them in order to hit their monthly training goals. Most employers poked fun at the idea, labeling it a "fad" or a "craze," and the few that did adopt mobile learning in their workplace thought they were the pioneering geniuses of the future.

Fast forward to the present day and almost half of all organizations (47%) use mobile devices in their training programs. Whilst this is great because of the valuable impact mobile learning can have on an organization, it also means that 53% of employers are still shying away from mobile learning. Many still assume it's a trend that will die a slow death like all the other employee training phenomenons, but mobile learning is here to stay, and here's why:

1. Mobile Learning Is Stable And Reliable No Matter What The External Circumstances Are

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything in the world of learning, it's that we need learning solutions that can easily adapt to external circumstances. We can no longer rely on our offices to always be there or our team to always be in one location because, as we have found out, events happen which can throw our normal working routines into chaos.

Companies that relied on face-to-face training were the ones who struggled the most during the lockdown. Their training came to a grinding halt whilst those who adopted mobile and online learning breezed through the pandemic with no effect on their training strategy.

Adopting mobile learning means that even if your computers are down or your employees have no wifi internet, they can still access the training they need when they need it. It puts your learners in the driving seat and takes the uncertainty of external circumstances out of the equation.

2. Phones Are Only Getting More Advanced And They Can Continue To Offer Enhanced Learning Experiences

Mobile phones already offer an enhanced experience for learners due to their interactive nature. Employees can tap, swipe, tilt, shake, and feel vibrations in line with their actions. All of these features make for an all-encompassing experience and work to encourage and motivate the learner to carry on with their training.

When we look ahead, it is safe to say that mobile features are only going to get more advanced. It has been predicted that smartphones will soon have some of these awesome features which will amplify the learning experience, giving your employees even more incentive to get on their phones:

3. People Are Leading Even Busier Lives

A study of 2,000 workers in the UK found that two-thirds of people feel a constant sense of dread caused by the stress of their day-to-day lives. People's lives are getting busier and their schedules are crammed, with no room for downtime. When employees add long courses into the mix, the chances of them getting completed are near to none.

What's interesting is that even though we are leading busier lives, social media usage continues to rise which implies that we still find time to use our precious mobile phones. In fact, the average daily usage of social media is 2 hours and 25 minutes [1].

This goes to prove that if you deliver your training on mobile, your employees are much more likely to find the time to learn because their mobile is a device they prioritize time for. Whether they are on the train, on their lunch break, walking to work, or watching the TV, their mobile is always on hand to grab their attention.

4. Mobile Learning Saves Money, Which Is Crucial For Companies That Have Been Badly Affected By The Pandemic

Most businesses have been hit hard by the global pandemic, which means things seen as a luxury, such as training, have had to take a back seat. In fact, the UK economy's GDP decreased by a huge 19.8% in 2020, which is a disastrous record. However, what some companies fail to realize is that training has to be a crucial part of their recovery strategy in order to come out on top.

Mobile learning is perfect for businesses that are looking to achieve maximum results for a minimum amount of budget because they are cheap to buy and cheap to run. Most mobile learning courses feature microlearning, and development costs are trending downward and are estimated to be 50% cheaper to develop than longer eLearning courses! This is great news for employers looking to adopt mobile learning within their organizations.

5. Mobile Learning Suits The Different Learning Styles And Needs Which Have Emerged Due To The Pandemic

Employees' routines and daily practices have flipped upside down due to recent events occurring across the world. This has meant that learning styles have changed, which means employers need to rethink how they accommodate for this.

Some people have found it harder to concentrate when working from home, which means they prefer to watch videos or listen to podcasts whilst they walk or move around the house. Mobile learning allows employees to do this, making it easy for them to step away from their desks—even if they've learning to do.

Others have found it exceptionally difficult to stay motivated, mobile learning allows you to send alerts, nudges, and rewards to employees that ping straight to their phone to drive motivation and increase engagement. Best of all, because their phone is with them all day, you can be sure these alerts are working to encourage the desired behaviors.

We think it's safe to say that mobile learning is only going to become more effective, so if you're serious about training, it's time to ditch the desktop and adopt mobile learning in your organization.


[1] Global social media research summary 2021

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