Why I Believe Scratch Is The Future Of Programming

Why I Believe Scratch Is The Future Of Programming

Why I Believe Scratch Is The Future Of Programming

Scratch: The Future Of Programming

Computer programming has undergone an incredible evolution in the past 20 years. Back when I was first learning computer programming, BASIC was the language I learned and I wrote my first program in DOS. There may be more than 100 different programming languages that have been invented since then.

While there may be many different programming languages, they all require typing codes that most people do not understand. However, one particular innovation that I believe will fundamentally change this is Scratch.

Invented by MIT, Scratch is an open source system that enables individuals to program interactive stories, games and animations. Instead of typing code, Scratch uses visual blocks like puzzle pieces to create a program. Scratch is very similar to lego because the number of ways to arrange the blocks is endless. While Scratch is largely used to introduce kids to coding, it can also create sophisticated programs.

I believe the method of using visual blocks to create programs is the future of programming. Here’s why:

Scratch is an ideal tool for teaching kids how to code. All the material is free and there are many resources to help teachers integrate coding with their curriculum. In addition to teaching my son Scratch, I created a 1 Hour of Scratch online course by combining Scratch with a learning platform.

Explore some of the millions of programs created with Scratch at scratch.mit.edu explore and try the program for yourself. Another great resource are exercises at studio.code.org/hoc/1, where most courses have been created based on the same visual block principle used by Scratch. You can earn a certificate if you complete all 20 puzzles in this Hour of Code course!

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