Social Learning: 3 Ways Of Twitter Utilization To Support And Enhance The Impact Of Instructor-led Training

Social Learning: 3 Ways Of Twitter Utilization To Support And Enhance The Impact Of Instructor-led Training

Social Learning: 3 Ways Of Twitter Utilization To Support And Enhance The Impact Of Instructor-led Training

Social Learning: Popular Ways Of Twitter Utilization In Instructor-led Training

Web 2.0 enables us to utilize the internet not only as a means of communication and a source of information, but also as a means for creating, sharing and consuming information and knowledge. Most instructors now have an easy availability of web-based tools that can help them extend and enhance learning processes. It is evident that combining different web-based social learning tools, such as Wikis, Blogs, Podcasts, Videocasts; media sharing sites, such as YouTube; social networking sites like Facebook or LinkedIN; content aggregation and organization tools, such as RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds and other tagging tools, as well as social messaging sites like Twitter, can create collaborative knowledge with the concerted efforts of all learners. All these tools have unique benefits that can help instructors reach out more to their students and increase the impact of learning.

Twitter is a micro-blogging platform for sharing different types of media files along with short and concise text, which can contribute to interaction in the classroom and improve the quality of knowledge imparted. There are three main ways in which the microblogging site can be utilized to support instructor-led learning: Pedagogical usage, Social usage and Management usage.

1. Pedagogical Usage

Since there is a word limit of 140 on the messages sent on Twitter, it is important to summarize and share short learning nuggets. For pedagogical purposes, there are various ways that an instructor or learner can utilize the platform.

2. Social Usage

Learners and instructors do not spend a lot of time within the confines of the classroom and now more than ever before, a lot of learning takes place outside the classroom – even in an instructor-led scenario. A social messaging platform like Twitter can help the learners and instructors connect more.

3. Management Usage

Finally, the social platform can be utilized as a tool for learning management as well by instructors – especially if they are handling multiple group of learners or take up varied courses for a group of learners.

The biggest benefit of Twitter as support tool for instructor-led training is that it allows multi-directional dialogue and free discussion as opposed to the discussion in the classroom, which is often restrained. While in the classroom, it is the instructor who speaks most of the time, Twitter interactions make sure that the knowledge is just not passively accepted from an instructor, but derived out of interactions between the entire group – learners as well as the instructor. So, at the hands of a skilled learning team, Twitter is a social learning interaction tool that can definitely enhance as well as strengthen the learning process.

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