9 Strategies To Deliver Great Learner Experiences And Learning Experiences In Your L&D Programs

9 Strategies To Deliver Great Learner And Learning Experiences

9 Strategies To Deliver Great Learner And Learning Experiences

What Is The Learner Experience?

The world has seen an expansion into virtual working and learning. If you ask typical eLearners what their “experience” has been with a course, they’ll likely talk about what they learned and how much they liked (or disliked!) what was taught. This feedback is a binary way of expressing their experiences. Their likes or dislikes about certain aspects of learning are only part of, not the entirety, of a learner’s experience.

In fact, learners’ experiences encompass more than just what they learned. It entails everything related to the act of learning, from where, how, and when they interacted with the learning environment to how the curriculum is structured and methods used to present the subject.

In that sense, learner experience refers to everything a learner encountered along their personal learning pathway. It includes the fun (or stress) they may have experienced through their learning journey. It factors the social interactions associated with learning, and it takes into account the interactivity aspects along that journey.

What Is The Learning Experience?

Like an eLearner’s overall experience during learning, learner experience does not describe a binary encounter between the learner and their Learning Management System (LMS).

It is a much broader term and defines multiple facets of experiences between learners and their learning environment. It encompasses every interaction a learner has with the program or course they attend and the experiences generated along that pathway.

To provide a good learning experience, learners should progressively go through multiple stages of their learning journey. That path typically commences with awareness building and consciousness of the need for learning. A learner flows seamlessly through a stage of successfully consuming appropriate learning content to meet their learning needs. But the purview of the learning experience doesn’t end there. It expands into the domain of successful application of skills learned to the job and culminates with demonstrable on-the-job behavioral change.

Why Are Both Learner Experience And Learning Experience Key For Creating Effective Learning And Development Programs?

The key to providing employees with a long, successful, and rewarding career at the company lies in offering them continuous learning opportunities through a memorable learner experience. With so many from the workforce working and learning remotely today, learning dynamics have changed. The usual adage of “build it and they will learn” just doesn’t cut it anymore!

L&D teams must therefore take a holistic, learner-centric approach when creating those opportunities. To do that, both learner experience and learning experience are key components for building effective and immersive Learning and Development programs. Focusing on only one of these aspects risks producing learning solutions that do not provide learners with both memorable learning and performance improvements.

What Strategies Can Help You Create Great Learner Experiences?

The following strategies can help deliver exceptional learner experiences:

What Strategies Can Help You Create Great Learning Experiences?

The following strategies can help deliver exceptional learning experiences:

Parting Thoughts

At first glance, learner experience and learning experience seem to indicate the same thing. However, to seasoned L&D professionals, they’re not. In some ways, the two terms could be used interchangeably, though they have subtle differences. In that respect, they’re different sides of the same coin, but the underlined point is “different.”

With so many people working and learning remotely today, it’s helpful for training teams to understand those differences when designing impactful and immersive learning content. Understanding what learner and learning experiences mean, and why they are both important, can go a long way in creating effective learning programs.

I hope the strategies discussed in this article will give L&D professionals a head start in creating exceptional learner experiences and learning experiences.

Meanwhile, if you have any specific queries, do contact me.


[1] How Personalized Learning Enhances the Development of Your Employees

[2] 3 Microlearning Strategies to Promote Learning in the Flow of Work

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