eLearning Design and Development

Read the top articles about eLearning Design and Development. Principles, important information, tips, and best practices from the leading eLearning portal.

August 25, 2018 | Sponsored

How Human Interaction Increases Learner Success

How big of a difference does active learning make? Well as it turns out, quite a big one. A recent study has made a breakthrough in the science of learning by proving that not only does human interaction and active learning positively affect learner success, but the absence of active learning can actually hurt a learner.
by Amanda Rollins
August 19, 2018

How To Lose Your eLearners In 5 Ways

If you have a passion, skill, or area of expertise that you wish to teach others, you can earn some extra income by creating an online eLearning course. Just creating the course is not enough. You have to plan, promote, and design it well enough to keep students interested and engaged.
by Joe Peters