eLearning For Kids

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October 24, 2013

4 Fun and Creative Mind Maps to Develop Kids' Multiple Intelligences

The article dwells upon the creative ways in which you can use mind mapping to develop children's verbal, logical, visual, and intrapersonal intelligences. Children can become smarter and wiser, from different perspectives, if we seek to help them nurture and refine their intelligences. Parents and teachers altogether can use mind maps to engage their kids in  fun, exciting activities that will have multiple benefits for their personal development.
by Nadina Lupu
September 11, 2013

The Teacher’s Guide to Keeping Students Safe Online

As an educator, you simply can’t introduce students to the internet without educating them on how to be safe while exploring the world wide web; but that’s what many teachers do anyway. This Teacher’s Guide to Keeping Students Safe Online will educate you on what online safety really is, show you how to protect your students, and provide resources that enable them to educate themselves about online safety. Let’s get to it.
by Robert Lucas