Analyze eLearning Course Audience

Analyze eLearning Course Audience: Best practices, assessments, questions to ask, tips and benefits of analyzing your audience. Find out much more in the most thorough collection of eLearning articles, written by the best eLearning authors!

December 5, 2014

Who Really Uses e-Learning? A Look at Your Audiences

e-Learning is a great way for companies to deliver mandatory training, but do you know who really uses it? Knowing the audience for an e-Learning course is crucial to its success. The audience will change how you present the information, and even how much information you need to present in a course.
by Christie Wroten
July 17, 2013

5 Steps To Create And Deploy A Successful e-Learning Course

Before you begin to develop your next e-Learning course, it’s important to first define the goals and purpose of the course. Are you looking to create a simple, user-friendly course or a more advanced course involving branching and scenarios? Take a look at your audience, skill set and authoring tool and outline your plan before you begin the e-Learning development process.
by Kristen Marshall
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