Corporate eLearning Trends

Find here the latest Corporate eLearning Trends. Online training best practices, compliance training, leadership online training and much more. Read articles about the future of the eLearning Industry with forecasts, written from our eLearning experts.

June 21, 2018

The AI Controversy In Business, HR, And L&D

It’s taken Artificial Intelligence (AI) some 60 years to move from a specialized silo within ‘computer science’ to become sufficiently mainstream in the last few years to infiltrate all industries and markets. What effects will it have on HR/ L&D in particular?
by Bob Little
May 27, 2018

6 Digital Trends The eLearning Industry Needs To Embrace

The digital learning world is evolving at warp speed, with dozens of new tools and practices introduced every year. Between chatbots, AI for eLearning, and Performance Support Tools, we need to ensure learning technologies are just as cutting edge as edtech and the cybersphere, if not more.
by Noa Dror
May 22, 2018

Augmented Reality Isn't Just For Fun

Augmented Reality used in video games, like Pokémon GO and apps like Snapchat, have the potential to change the world of business by making dangerous work environments safer, preventing irreversible mistakes, showing off products in context, and training employees more effectively.
by Daniel Sowards