eLearning Benefits

Convenience, flexibility, effectiveness and interactivity, are only few of eLearning Benefits.  If you are an eLearning professional who needs to be always updated, read all the articles about eLearning Benefits produced by our top eLearning authors.

May 14, 2014

Assessing Return On Investment Of eLearning

One of the biggest challenges that eLearning professionals experience is demonstrating the return on investment (ROI) of their training programs. In order to attract project sponsors and to justify resources invested in the development of eLearning, projects need to prove that they deliver real benefit to an organization. This article discusses considerations that need to be factored in when calculating eLearning ROI.
by Marina Arshavskiy
February 23, 2014

Can e-Learning Be Useful For Sports?

There is a clear paradigm shift in education through the growth of eLearning. More schools and industries are pushing learning through the online medium. Is Sports the next player to follow? Check the following article to find out the Top 4 Reasons Why e-Learning is Important for Sports.
by Marko Jelavic
February 3, 2014 | Sponsored

Can You Really Change Behavior Using eLearning Design? Yes!

If your learners are able to keep their eyes open, does that mean your e-learning good enough? Unlikely. Chances are, the knowledge they retained long enough to answer a few multiple-choice questions will drift away as they head back to their busy jobs and lives. Leveraging e-learning design to change behavior requires higher standards, new techniques, and different approaches. Let’s make 2014 the year of memorable learning.
by Erin Krebs
October 29, 2013

How To Develop Your Skills From eLearning

Here are some specific steps and tips to guide and help employees, students and consumers develop the particular skills they learn through eLearning. Learning and developing knowledge both theoretical and working and skills is a process. Both first timers and veterans can use this set of pointers.
by James Harlan
October 29, 2013

4 Reasons Why eLearning Should Never Be Compulsory And 4 Great Alternatives

When you have an important change to communicate with eLearning, your first instinct may be to make that eLearning compulsory. Fight that instinct! Giving in to it can damage the effectiveness of your learning solution and turn your learners against you. This article outlines the key reasons to avoid compulsory eLearning, and some alternatives that will still help you get your message across.
by Mary Hetherington