eLearning Challenges

All you need to know about eLearning Challenges. Useful information, valuable resources and best practices to overcome eLearning Challenges, all written by our top experts worldwide at eLearning Industry.

June 9, 2016

3 Thoughts On Special Education: One Dad's Perspective

My experience with special education started with becoming a dad. My wife and I have four wonderful children, the second of whom, Jacob, has a type of Autism called PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorders). Here, I offer my perspectives as a parent about what makes for great special education.
by Brian Taylor
June 1, 2016

God's Letter To The Struggling Online Student

This is the letter from God to students enrolled in online courses. It discusses the unique problems online students face and offers them words of solace and encouragement. With faith, patience, and perseverance, a struggling online student can use the new opportunities they have to make their future better.
by Aditya Singhal
May 9, 2016

eLearning 4.0: Prospects And Challenges

What is eLearning 4.0 all about and are we there yet? Is the way we develop and share content going to change a few years from now? Check out this article to trace the evolution of eLearning and see what the future holds in store for us.
by Scott Winstead
April 3, 2016

4 eLearning Disconnects Within Higher Education Institutions

Higher education faces a number of challenges which need to be addressed in order to enhance prestige and market share. The prospect of providing online education is becoming increasingly appealing to institutions that wish to expand their offerings; however, such undertakings should not be thought of lightly. Especially since higher education institutions face a number of fundamental disconnects that make this prospect difficult, if not impossible.
by Arthu Schneider
March 3, 2016

5 Technology Challenges Faced By Adult Learners

Adult learners acquire their knowledge very differently to children. They are much more results driven, goal oriented, and practical, as well as being very self-directed. When it comes to technology, we can’t simply assume that all adult learners understand or know what to do with technology. In this article I have grouped what I believe to be the 5 main technology challenges faced by adult learners.
by Julian Davis
February 5, 2016

Inclusive And Accessible eLearning

To develop online courses that are more inclusive, the role of Instructional Designers must move beyond the orchestration and arrangement of course content to partnering with faculty and support staff to implement curriculums that are mindful of ADA compliance. Furthermore, professional development must move beyond faculty acquiring technical expertise to pairing technological knowledge with principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This article outlines ways that I, as an Instructional Designer, implemented such practices via a professional development seminar, in which faculty and staff learn the principles of Universal Design for Learning and develop skills to create ADA compliant MS Word documents, podcasts, and lecture captures. Excerpts from faculty and staff’s learning journals illustrate how they have grown as educators.
by Sabrina Taylor