eLearning Evaluation

The best articles specialized in eLearning Evaluation by our top eLearning authors. Important information, latest trends and resources. Click to read our articles, share our resources or submit your article!

July 25, 2016

Using Surveys To Assess eLearning: Pros And Cons

The value of surveys for evaluating training effectiveness has been up for debate over the past few years. While some professionals now argue against using surveys to assess eLearning, evaluating the impact of training is more important than ever. We revamped our survey process after considering these pros and cons.
by Antoinette Curtin
April 5, 2013

How To Assure The Quality Of eLearning

There is so much eLearning now being developed by so many different methods and presented in so many different ways.  It seems that in some cases there is less and less time to produce the learning and in others there is a determination to be first with the latest development or to prove that eLearning really can be cheaper than face to face. Of course in many cases eLearning has become the way to present ‘compliance’ training.  Perhaps it isn’t any wonder that eLearning has gained a certain reputation for drop-out rates and boredom factors.
by Peter Condon