eLearning Evaluation

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February 8, 2017

Taxonomy Of eLearning: Does eLearning Need A New Taxonomy?

How do we measure success? The accomplishment of one’s goals, right? So, how do we measure success in eLearning? That would depend on who is asked; teacher, student, school manager, or vendor? It is easy to see how this question, then, could cause confusion. Do we then need a new taxonomy of eLearning?
by Greg Blackburn
November 25, 2016

Measuring eLearning Effectiveness: How Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Can Help Validate Investment Decisions

For any business endeavor to be justified, business leaders ask their management teams to provide concrete facts and figures, in terms of Return On Investment (ROI), that show beyond doubt that the proposed initiative is worth undertaking. Similarly, once the project has been commissioned, senior management and project sponsors need to know whether their investment was justified – in hind sight. Therefore, to rationalize eLearning projects prior to development, Instructional Designers and project managers need to collect, evaluate, and report on specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
by Marina Arshavskiy