eLearning Future

eLearning Future: trends, educational technologies, authoring tools, software and valuable resources about eLearning Future at eLearning Industry. Find out all the information, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide.

February 23, 2019

The Future Of IoT In 2019

The future of IoT will keep evolving with changing time. Almost all innovations will have IoT attached to them. Let’s get prepared to see the fantasy of completely automatic urban communities work in coordination with one another.
by Parija Rangnekar
February 2, 2019

Why HTML5 Is The Future Of eLearning

For a long time, Flash was the gold-standard in producing eLearning courses. Although Flash is still an ever-popular mode of eLearning course creation, there is an ever-increasing wave of eLearning professionals who have chosen HTML5 as the new standard.
by Malay Mehrotra
January 13, 2019

How 6G Exceeds 5G? Let Us Find Out

It may be disagreeable for those who are still using 2G/3G and unable to get enough 4G signal where they live or work, although the very first 5G services are set to go live next year across the world.
by Daniel Dixon