eLearning Voice Over

The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning Voiceover articles. Anything you need to know about eLearning Voiceover, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. Share our valuable resources or submit your article!

March 13, 2015

7 Top Tips For Effective eLearning Voice Overs

Giving your eLearning course a voice offers a wide range of advantages, including a boost in user engagement and knowledge retention. However, these benefits can only be achieved if your voice over is carefully created and offer real value to the overall eLearning experience. In this article I'll share 7 invaluable tips for effective eLearning voice overs.
by Christopher Pappas
February 16, 2015

5 Tips To Find Your Narrative Voice For Your eLearning Course

By finding and perfecting your narrative voice for your eLearning course, you gain the ability to create an eLearning experience that is polished, organized, and complete. In this article, I'll explore how you can discover your narrative voice for your eLearning content, so that your eLearning courses can offer real value to your audience, instead of creating disjointed eLearning courses that fail to meet their learning objectives.
by Christopher Pappas
June 6, 2014

eLearning Localization: Voiceover vs Subtitling!

It’s time to localize your eLearning course. You have on-text and audio. The text part seems pretty straight-forward, but what do you do with the audio? There are several considerations when localizing the audio component of your eLearning course. Do you choose voiceover recording or subtitling? Let’s start by explaining the difference between the two and then looking at the pros and cons of each one.
by Caitlin Nicholson
December 14, 2012

Text-To-Speech And Presentation Voiceover, What Is The Real Question?

As eLearning professionals we need to build an arsenal of tools and the competence for choosing which ones are best suited for each project. When it comes to publish presentations online, Voice talents, home-made recording, Text-to-Speech voiceover, silent and self-explaining pictures are all tools at our disposals. We must learn how to use each one of them.
by Paolo Leva