eLearning Voice Over

The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning Voiceover articles. Anything you need to know about eLearning Voiceover, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. Share our valuable resources or submit your article!

March 6, 2020

Top 5 Narration Options For Captivate Users

About once or twice a month, Captivate users reach out to me to get my advice about getting additional voices for the text-to-speech tool included with Adobe Captivate. This article is my attempt to provide all the important options available to eLearning developers when it comes to narration.
by Paul Wilson
December 12, 2019

The Importance Of Audio In Video-Based Learning

A number of organizations forget the fact that video is a combination of visuals and audio, and favor high visual quality over high audio quality. In this article, we’ll look at 4 tips on how such organizations can record superior-quality audio and create flawless video-based learning.
by Debadrita Sengupta