Informal Learning Tips

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December 10, 2015

4 Tips To Search Twitter For eLearning Content

Whether you are already using Twitter for eLearning purposes or not, this powerful social media tool can reveal and offer you extremely useful information. In this article, I’ll share 4 ways to search Twitter for eLearning content and show you how you can take advantage of this influential social learning platform.
by Christopher Pappas
November 3, 2015

The Real Learner

Real Learners are the elite among participants in the Real Learning Project. They work smarter and learn faster than their peers. It's a standard not everyone will reach.
by Jay Cross
May 1, 2014

Why Matching Informal and Formal Learning Is in Style

Informal learning is in style—but does that mean that formal learning is so last season? Absolutely not! Recently, e-Learning professionals have been seeing how sharp informal and formal learning look together. The rise of informal learning is not a replacement for formal training; rather, the two have an interdependent relationship.
by Christie Wroten
March 9, 2014

Top 9 Competencies of an Informal-Social Learning Designer

Informal/Social learning is one of the major revolutions happening around us that demands a shift in the mere thinking of ‘learning’. It requires us to unlearn and relearn some of the traditional notions related to the learning style/preference, and the dimensions and the elements of learning design. In this article, we’ll take a quick look at the top 9 essential competencies that a learning designer is required to possess for designing effective informal/social learning interventions for today’s workplaces.
by Ravi Pratap Singh
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