Instructional Design Theories

Instructional Design Theories, models, trends, pitfalls, infographics and anything you need to know, written from our Instructional Design experts. The concept of Instructional Design.

December 5, 2013

How to Focus Attention in Adult Learning and E-learning

Studies show that focus is a key attribute for performance improvement and success in life. Yet today’s modern workplace is full of distractions, from text to tweets. Check out these effective techniques for increasing focus for adult learners participating in e-learning, classroom training, and other learning events. From nano-learning to rewards, learn how to focus attention and improve e-learning outcomes.
by Cindy McCabe
December 3, 2013

Instructional Design Models And Theories

What follows is not just a simple trip down the history of instructional design, its models and theories. Each of the following instructional design milestones has been chosen not only for its importance in the field of learning but also for its impact on future generations and various related disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, demography, and even biology and physiology.
by Christopher Pappas
November 1, 2013

5 Ways To Reduce Cognitive Load In eLearning

The information processing capacity of learners is limited, so it's important that designers take this into account when creating eLearning courses. This article briefly discusses cognitive load theory and provides 5 ways to help reduce cognitive load  that will help learners process information more effectively. 
by Matthew Guyan
October 9, 2013

Does Blooms Taxonomy Still Have A role To Play In e-Learning?

Mayes and de Freitas (2004) state that the use of technology can be used to achieve better learning outcomes, more effective assessments or a more cost effective way of bringing learning environments to students; and that  reforming practice requires transformation of the understanding of the principles. So what are the pedagogical principles behind “e” learning?
by Mark Rollins
August 21, 2012

The Essence of Transformational Adult Learning

Abstract – The theory of transformative learning theory, first articulated by Mezirow and further refined in his later publications, is about change - dramatic, fundamental change in the way we see ourselves and the world (Mezirow and Taylor, 2009). In contrast, Knowles' model of andragogy focuses on the characteristics of the adult learner and his or her life situation (Knowles, Holton and Swanson, 2005). This article compares and contrasts the essence of Mezirow's transformational learning and Knowles' model of andragogy and provides supporting research evidence for each one. It also formulates an approach to the instructional design of learning for adults who are returning to school that incorporates appropriate concepts from these two theories.”
by Tim Stafford, MS MA