Microlearning Examples

A great selection of eLearning articles for Microlearning Examples, written by the top eLearning authors. Click to read, share our valuable Micro Learning Examples resources or submit your article. Find out at eLearning Industry.

March 29, 2018

5 Guidelines For Task Analysis In Microlearning

Task analysis for eLearning is a skill. You can apply the skill in creating any type of learning content. The larger field of task analysis encompasses a range of activities to improve business processes. This article only examines task analysis for the design of microlearning experiences.
by David Demyan
March 27, 2018

5 Best Practices For Designing A Great Microlearning Experience

The modern learner is generally distracted. It has been found that they look at their phones up to 9 times in an hour. And, they will lose focus if they are asked to watch a training video that is 4 minutes or longer. Because of this, expecting them to sit through an hour-long training is not practical. This is where microlearning can be a great tool to impart valuable training. Here are top 5 best practices to design microlearning modules to ensure its success.
by Andrew Hughes