Microlearning Examples

A great selection of eLearning articles for Microlearning Examples, written by the top eLearning authors. Click to read, share our valuable Micro Learning Examples resources or submit your article. Find out at eLearning Industry.

July 1, 2019 | Sponsored

How Microlearning Can Make Your Retail Sales Soar

As the rise of online shopping creates a globally competitive retail industry, the consumer experience has become the secret to surviving and thriving. But consumer demands are changing fast and furiously, and retail staff needs the fuel to keep up. This fuel, of course, is mobile microlearning.
by Nikos Andriotis
June 3, 2019 | Sponsored

How Microlearning Can Help In Soft Skills Training

Does soft skills training make you worry? Your schedule is tight, and you might think soft skills training is too time-consuming. But what if you could learn soft skills at your own pace, and in the context that you need them the most? What if you had soft skills microtraining?
by Nikos Andriotis
May 18, 2019 | Sponsored

Adopting The Microlearning Approach For Corporate Training

The role of microlearning comes into place as an innovative way to deliver short pieces of information to enable employees to acquire new skills and succeed in the digital world. Interactive video nuggets, short infographics, mini-games, quizzes, and others are considered as the best choice.
by Anubha Goel
March 21, 2019

5 Ways You Can Use Microlearning In Corporate Training

When microlearning began to be viewed as a useful methodology to be applied to increase retention during online corporate training, many believed that it was just a fad, and it would soon become obsolete when it failed to provide results. But as we now know, not only has microlearning being proven to be an effective addition to any organization’s corporate training, it is also one of the top trends in eLearning for 2019.
by Debadrita Sengupta
March 12, 2019 | Sponsored

Microlearning Trends To Adopt In 2019

As microlearning-based training moves to center stage, I outline what is driving its rapid adoption. In this article, I also share microlearning trends in 2019, and how you can leverage them to boost employee performance.
by Asha Pandey