Online Courses

Online Courses: News, trends and tips for the best practices in Online Courses. Find out more in our eLearning database.

December 8, 2013

How To Handle Broken Links In Online Courses

The availability of excellent, free web-based resources has led millions of instructors to incorporate online content into their online courses. The problem is that these resources are not permanently available. Copyright violations and repository changes often lead to video and other resources links getting broken. What are instructors, faculty and trainers to do?
by Martha Gold
July 17, 2013

yourClass Launches Marketplace For Live Online Classes

yourClass is a marketplace for live education that empowers teachers, not institutions and beta invites will be going out in early Fall 2013. yourClass is backed by a passionate, multifunctional team that believes a quality education must come above all. yourClass is taking an innovative approach by offering a synchronous virtual classroom in a sea of asynchronous e-learning options.
by Christopher Pappas
April 5, 2013

How To Assure The Quality Of eLearning

There is so much eLearning now being developed by so many different methods and presented in so many different ways.  It seems that in some cases there is less and less time to produce the learning and in others there is a determination to be first with the latest development or to prove that eLearning really can be cheaper than face to face. Of course in many cases eLearning has become the way to present ‘compliance’ training.  Perhaps it isn’t any wonder that eLearning has gained a certain reputation for drop-out rates and boredom factors.
by Peter Condon
March 24, 2013

Using Data To Ease The Grading Process - An Educator's Perspective

I have become an educator and I am teaching a Spanish MOOC with over 1,000 students! They submit weekly assignments that are to be hand graded, and I alone simply cannot meet the task of grading these assignments. Obviously there is no silver bullet, and no proven technology to automatically grade writing assignments. So, out of necessity, we developed a process to ease our burden as teachers grading assignments.
by Scott Rapp
January 4, 2013

New Learning Opportunities Create Self-Directed Learners

What if learning took care of itself in your organization? What if your staff knew what they needed to know, or learn, to do their job successfully? Would you say, great! Go for it. Or would you say, wait a minute not so fast. And then start thinking to yourself; I am (fill in the blank) director of training, or HR, or sales director, and I need to provide you with what I think you need.
by Ruth Kustoff