9 Task Management Tips And Techniques For eLearning Professionals

9 Task Management Tips And Techniques For eLearning Professionals

9 Task Management Tips And Techniques For eLearning Professionals

Top Notch Tips And Techniques On Task Management For eLearning Professionals

eLearning Project Managers do many tasks from gathering resources to handling clients to overseeing risks and other endless things. A lot of thought, effort, and time is required to accomplish tasks and get things done.

Task management is no child play. Trust me, it’s a lot of hard work. From failing to plan things right to using wrong task management tools, one wrong step can be fatal for the success of your project and your team’s productivity.

In this article, we will discuss various task management tips, techniques, and strategies to help eLearning Project Managers to take care of their tasks in a productive manner. Let’s take a look at the following tips to keep your tasks on track and get some work done.

1. Focus On One Task At A Time

It’s hard to resist the temptation of starting multiple things at once. If you’re also guilty of multitasking, don’t worry, many people fall prey to it. I’ve seen many eLearning professionals doing more things they can handle and end up achieving none.

Ask any productivity guru; their first task management tip would be to handle one task at a time. In addition, try breaking big tasks into smaller subtasks and then giving your undivided attention to get them done.

2. Set Task Deadlines

Tasks and deadlines go hand in hand. Whether you want to complete a work-related task or a personal goal, setting a deadline can increase its likelihood of your achieving it. Before going all into the task, make sure you are not too casual with it. Create realistic deadlines by taking all steps and challenges into consideration.

Use your experience and wisdom to gauge the approximate time a task would require and then set a deadline accordingly. Make sure the deadline is neither too challenging nor too easy to be achieved.

3. Eat The Biggest Frog First

Not all tasks are the same. Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog first thing every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day!”. Here, the frog is your biggest and most important task, the one you dread doing the most.

And if you’ve got two frogs, it’s best to eat the bigger one first. As a Project Manager, you might be way too asked at times. That’s when you have to decide which frog to eat first and be disciplined enough to keep working on it unless it’s completed.

4. Use Task Management Tools Smartly

There are some incredible, and successful, people out there who use task management tools to improve their productivity. Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Neil Patel are a few to name. Such tools can be helpful for Project Managers to better organize their tasks and effectively manage their workload.

There are tools, like ProofHub, which help you keep everything in one place and prioritize tasks. There has been a rapid increase in the number of businesses using Task Management Systems. Not only have they proven to boost productivity, but also help you attain the peace of mind at work.

5. The Pareto Principle

While managing an eLearning project, it's not easy to stay focused as there's a lot to do always. There's a well-known principle that can help you to prioritize better and be smart with the time you spend on your daily tasks. Pareto’s principle states that 20% of the work you do produces 80% of the results.

To put it simply, it teaches you to focus on 20% tasks which guarantee the maximum output. Analyze the time required to accomplish those most important tasks and start working on them immediately. If required, take help from time tracking solutions to measure time at work and elsewhere.

6. The ABC 123 Method

This method is a powerful prioritization technique that lets you categorize every task with an alphabet denoting its importance in the list. Further, that alphabet is given a number such as 1,2,3 and so on, indicating its urgency in the list.

For example, task A could be an important project or presentation, B task could be something less serious such as finding a topic for your next blog, and so on. C tasks are the ones that won't have any effect if they are not done. When you number a task as 1, it means it's the most important task from its lettered category.

7. The Kanban Method

Kanban is an exceptional method to manage all sorts of work-related activities either on a whiteboard or digital Kanban board. Kanban boards are the visual representation of your work making it one of the most transparent ways to see who’s working on what and what’s next on their list.

The visual representation of work is also helpful to analyze the overall progress of the activities. In addition to this, the Kanban method breaks the bigger tasks into smaller ones to better understand the process, how things are connected and get them done faster.

8. The 4D Method

It is a simple and effective task and time management method where the four D’s refer to Delete, Delegate, Defer, and Do. In this method, you have to decide what can be easily dropped, delegated to someone else, can be done later, and has to be done at any cost. The 4D method is the quickest way to organize tasks and do things.

9. The Pomodoro Method

The Pomodoro technique is a popular time management technique that improves focus and boosts productivity. The idea is to work for 25 minutes, called the Pomodoro sessions, followed by a five-minute break. For every session, you have to be fully focused, hardworking, and productive at what you’re doing. Trust me, it’s a great way to stay focused and fight distractions while working on important tasks.


Every eLearning professional should know the importance of task management as it plays a big role in keeping your tasks organized and moving the project in the right direction. If you want to know the secret to project success, manage your resources, communicate effectively, and be well versed with all the task management techniques.

If you’ve tried any of the above techniques, we would love to know your experience and how they helped you perform better in the comments below.

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