Top 3 Ways To Learn To Code Online

Top 3 Ways To Learn To Code Online

Top 3 Ways To Learn To Code Online

Top MOOC Providers To Visit When You Want To Learn To Code Online

In recent years, there has been a rise in services that teach people to code online. This article summarizes the pros/cons and recommends what type of learning each is “ideal for”.  The eLearning providers discussed when you want to learn to code online are: Udacity, Codecademy, and Coursera.

1. Udacity

Ideal for: Experienced technologists to learn new technologies. By “experienced technologists” I mean anyone who is reasonably proficient in computers beyond typical “office” use. Udacity instructors inherently assume comfort with stuff like command lines and if you are not they expect you to be comfortable with it by reading a one-page summary. This might be too much for some people.

In the real world, I refer Udacity to my internees to acquaint them with a new language or technology.



2. Codecademy

Ideal for: Extreme Beginners who want to see if programming is something they’ll enjoy, before they make a big commitment (such as joining for longer courses, investing in books etc.). Those who don’t enjoy reading might not enjoy Codecademy, since you have to read a lot before getting anything done.

I refer Codecademy to people who are interested or curious about programming but not enough to think about it was a career (yet).



3. Coursera

Ideal for: Getting deep into subject matter and understanding every nook and cranny. Most Coursera users I’ve talked to are usually university students who are taking the courses in advance to their regular academic courses. So, it’s ideal for people who have a lot of free-time they can dedicate to learning programming.



Time-consuming: Since Coursera courses are adopted from university style courses, there can be a lot of “droning” around in the lectures. Sometimes one concept is explained multiple times, which feels like wasting precious time.

So, there you have it, the three most popular MOOC providers summarized. Please let me know in the comments, in case I missed something.

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