8 Dos And Don’ts When Tracking Employee Training

8 Do’s And Don’ts When Tracking Employee Training

8 Do’s And Don’ts When Tracking Employee Training

What To Do And What To Avoid When Tracking Employee Training

We all know that tracking employee training is incredibly important, but what are the key dos and don’ts to ensure that you are doing it correctly?

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Below, we take a look at 8 things you should and shouldn’t be doing in order to make sure you are getting the most out of tracking your employee training.

1. Do Set Training Expectations

When you set up your internal training, it’s important to set expectations with your team members, so they know how much training they have to complete and when it needs to be completed by. When it comes to internal training, it’s important to strike a balance between regular day-to-day work tasks and training. You want to make sure your team can fit everything in and that they’re not overloaded.

Make it clear to them when they need to get the training completed by, and that is it up to them then to schedule their time so as to ensure that they meet those deadlines as well as managing their other commitments.

Let them know that you will be tracking their training as they go along, and so you will see if they are failing to stick to their training schedule.

2. Don’t Let Training Slip

At the start of the year, or whenever you schedule your next block of training, it is likely that training will be at the front of everyone’s mind, so it’s not easy to forget about. However, as time goes by, it can be easy to let training slip and take a backseat.

It’s your job to keep an eye on how everyone is doing training-wise and get in touch with those staff members who may be letting their training slip so that you can ensure they get it finished on schedule.

3. Do Ask For Feedback

When staff complete a training course, it’s a great chance to ask them for feedback. This is key for finding out what you are doing well, but also for seeing what you could improve on before this training session runs again.

Tracking employee training with training tracking software can make asking for feedback a much easier process, as you can quickly pull a list of all the students who have completed training in a certain period and contact them to ask for feedback on that particular training course.

4. Don’t Compare One Staff Member To Another

When it comes to training, it’s important to remember that everyone is different. While some staff members may work their way through an eLearning course very quickly, other members of the team may need to take their time to get the most out of the training. They may want to take notes or ensure they read the content of each module a couple of times.

There is no right or wrong way to complete training, and that’s why it’s important not to compare team members to their peers. As long as the training is completed by the deadline and everyone achieves a pass mark by the end of the process, it doesn’t matter how people have chosen to work their way through the training.

5. Do Use Data To Aid Reporting

Having access to all this staff training data is all well and good, but you need to make sure you do something useful with it rather than just looking at it.

It can be great to use this data as part of your reporting, as you can show things like how many hours were spent training over a certain period, or how many different training courses you have running.

6. Don’t Get Bogged Down

The amount of data you will be pulling in about your team when you are tracking employee training can be overwhelming so don’t get bogged down in studying every single piece of data that you collect.

This is why it’s a good idea to set up reports and focus on the data that you need to study. This will help you stay focused and it will also ensure that you’re paying attention to the things that really matter.

7. Do Track Assessment Results

Tracking assessment results of the mini-assessments your staff have to complete throughout your course is a great idea because it helps you check for understanding on a module-by-module basis.

You can easily spot patterns if there are modules which students are continually having problems with, which will allow you to go back and edit the content or the assessments needed, to ensure your staff are gaining the knowledge they need.

8. Don’t Forget About Your Own Training

As part of the internal training team in a business, it can be easy to spend so much time focused on other people’s training that you forget about your own! Make sure you use the training tracking software to keep an eye on your own training, and ensure that you don’t fall behind in any training you need to complete.

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