6 Ways Training Management Software Can Save Your Organization Time And Money

6 Ways Training Management Software Can Save Your Organization Time And Money

6 Ways Training Management Software Can Save Your Organization Time And Money

How Training Management Software Can Save Your Organization Time And Money

If you’re looking for something to help you manage your training administration, training management software could be the perfect solution. The two main reasons training management software can be a great investment for your training business is the fact that it can save you lots of time and lots of money. Let’s take a look at some of the key ways training management software can save your organization time and money, and help your business improve its training offering!

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Saving Time

1. Automate As Many Tasks As Possible

If you’re running multiple training courses at the same time, chances are a lot of your time is spent figuring out when you need to do the same tasks over and over again. This could be things like booking catering for every course, emailing students the right details at the right time (which could be multiple emails over a long period of time), arranging tutors for classes, booking venues for classes, etc. Basically, not only are you spending a lot of time doing the same tasks over and over again, but you’re probably spending even more time just planning out when those tasks need done!

Training management software can help you by automating a lot of the repeatable tasks you have to do, so once you have entered all the relevant information and set them up, you won’t need to worry about them again!

2. Reduce Duplicate Data Entry

If you’re scheduling 10 instances of the same course, but on different days, just think how much duplicate data entry you’re doing? Sure, you can copy and paste it instead of having to write it all out every time, but that is still a lot of time you’re wasting that could be better spent on other tasks.

Training management software allows you to simply copy information across to the different areas that you need it, so you don’t have the hassle of inputting the same data again and again.

3. Keep Everything In One Place

There’s nothing worse than trying to track down the information you need and having trouble finding it. Whether you have to wait for other people to get back in contact with you, or you just can’t find a file that you’ve misplaced, all that time you’ve spent hunting could have been much better spent!

Training management software allows you to keep all the vital information and documents you need in the one place, so you always know where to go to look for what you need.

It also means you never need to worry about losing another piece of vital information again, as you can upload document to the DMS and customer information to the CRM, as well as all your course information, student records, staff records, and supplier details, just to name a few!

Saving Money

1. Get More Done With Less Staff

One benefit of training management software that is mentioned quite frequently is the fact that your staff will save lots of time, and this means they can get on with other parts of their job that are more interesting than lots of duplicate data entry and admin tasks.

However, you need to think of this point in another way to see another benefit – if your staff are getting more done in a day than they were before, you will have a lot more wiggle room with your time resource than you did before, meaning you shouldn’t have to hire staff as quickly as you maybe did before.

If you’re feeling the strain of your workload in your team, then you may usually look at hiring new staff members, but bringing on training management software could solve the problem for you.

While you will obviously still have to hire staff as your business grows, and you want to expand your offering, using training management software to make the most of time your current staff have will give you some leeway and you should be able to continue running at your current capacity for longer, and actually get more work done! Think how much money you would save in a year if you didn’t have the costs associated with hiring and on-boarding new staff members, not to mention the actual wages.

2. Run Everything From One System

Training management software is an investment for any business, and it is designed to be your one stop shop solution to all your training administration problems, meaning you should only have to use one system instead of using multiple systems to get everything done.

Training management software can replace the need for a separate CRM, LMS, reporting system, and finance system. While you may worry about the costs of bringing on a new piece of software, just think how much you would be paying if you were paying for all these systems separately! So for less money you’re still getting all the functionality you need and you don’t have to learn how to use lots of different systems – it’s a win-win situation!

3. Help Run Your Internal Training As Well

If you run internal training for your staff, you can also use your training management system to help you manage this, which again cuts down the need for multiple systems.

You can simply schedule all your training sessions the same way you would your commercial courses, and then allow your staff members to sign up for the sessions they need to attend. If your training management software has an LMS included, you can even run eLearning sessions through it as well.

This means you can schedule rooms and resources, and also do things like easily communication with staff who are signed up to a certain class, send out assessment results, and report on the data related to your internal training.

So not only are you making life easier for your training administration team, but you’re also cutting the workload of your internal training team, which can help your business run even smoother!

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