How To Transform Your Training From ILT To eLearning

Transform Your Training From ILT To eLearning

Transform Your Training From ILT To eLearning

The Case For A Content Revolution

There is still some debate between the use of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) or eLearning. Most companies use some combination of both, occasionally adding in a few other training modalities or learning experiences. However, as more companies transition their ILT to eLearning, training strategy and implementation will become even more important for the success of your training program. Either modality is only as effective as its underlying design.

So, what’s the best way to go about making this transition?

How To Know When To Make The Switch

First, you have to consider the current state of your employee training and development program. Although every situation is unique, a detailed analysis of your training can guide your employee development team to know when to make the switch from traditional Instructor-Led Training to eLearning. Chances are, you fit at least one of these conditions:

Making a transition to eLearning or a blended learning solution can certainly solve these problems, but you might want to consider what all you can accomplish by keeping innovation, scale, and impact in mind as you design your learning experience.

Benefits Of ILT And eLearning

Although the benefits of eLearning have vaulted the modality toward something like an industry standard, ILT is still not without its benefits [1]. The social aspect is often helpful for learners (and also difficult to replicate with eLearning). Here are a few of the common benefits around social learning:

Using eLearning also offers its own unique benefits:

Tech Requirements

Before making any decisions about proceeding with an ILT content conversion, you will want to take stock of your current training technology and tech requirements. Effective eLearning design may have numerous different digital components and systems involved. If you lack the digital infrastructure, then you’re going to face challenges getting your program off the ground.

Other than the obvious requirements (i.e. LMS/portal, employee devices, etc.), here are a few suggestions for training technologies you can use to augment your learners’ experiences as you change training modalities.

Supporting Training Technology


Although converting training can be complex, the potential payoff is worth more than the time and effort. With ever-advancing technologies and the ability to blend the benefits of the digital training and ILT modalities, the consequent flexibility can make the overall learner experience much more effective, as well as positively impact employee performance.

[1] Corporate eLearning Increase

[2] eLearning Seat Time

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