Unconventional Rewards To Include In Gamified Online Training
Motivation is a key component of online training. Without it, active participation and employee engagement go by the wayside, along with the desired outcomes. There are ways to get corporate learners back into the game so that they can achieve the learning objectives, though. Here are 8 unconventional rewards you might consider for your gamified online training course.
1. One-On-One Coaching Session
Give employees the chance to win a free coaching session with an in-house expert or department head. This gives them the ability to receive personalized advice that is targeted to their needs. In the case of remote employees, set up a virtual chat session using a video conferencing platform. Alternatively, host a special online training webinar for a group of top performers that allows them to "pick the brain" of an industry expert. For instance, the salesperson of the year within your organization.
2. Employee Spotlight In The Company Newsletter
Everybody enjoys being recognized for their efforts. So, why not showcase your top corporate learners in the monthly e-newsletter? Create a dedicated section that features employees who have accomplished their learning goals, or achieved the highest rank on your gamification leaderboard. You can also include the employee spotlight on your company website and LMS home page for all to see. You might even consider a brief employee bio to emphasize their accomplishments. For instance, mentioning their excellent sales record or customer satisfaction scores. Other employees will be able to see how online training translates into real-world benefits. Thus, they are more motivated to use the online training resources themselves.
3. Sneak Preview Of An Upcoming Online Training Course
Employees who actively participate in online training have a passion for professional growth. In most cases, they’re excited about online training, as they know it gives them the opportunity to broaden their horizons. Thus, a sneak peek of your upcoming online training course is a great incentive. Grant them access to your newest online training course a week or two before launch so that they can get a head start. This also gives you the opportunity to gather valuable feedback to improve your eLearning course design.
4. Chance To Host The Next Live Online Training Event
This is a reward reserved for employees who have a history of top training performance, as they’ll be hosting their own live online training event for the betterment of their peers. It also gives them the opportunity to expand their own knowledge, as they must master the online training topic before teaching others. Allow them to choose from a list of ideas or tasks well in advance so that they have enough time to prepare. Then provide them with some basic guidelines to ensure that the online training event meets your organization’s standards. Send out the evites and promote the online training event on your online training course home page.
5. Certificate Of Achievement
Many organizations offer compliance certifications upon completion of the necessary online training. However, you can also use certificates as rewards in your gamified online training course. Employees are able to proudly display their accomplishments and acknowledge their hard work. Develop eye-catching layouts that they can download and print out. You can even create companion social media announcements that they can add to their timelines. For example, Facebook posts that mention their achievement so that colleagues and friends can offer their congratulations.
6. Top Performer Badge
Badges are a common gamification element. However, you can breathe new life into this often-used reward by creating a top performer achievement. Employees who have continually improved and actively participated in online training have the chance to earn this coveted badge. They must meet specific criteria in order to display this accomplishment on their employee profile, social media page, or online discussion signature. For example, complete all of the necessary coursework, perform well on exams, and mentor their peers. You can even allow employees to design their own top performer badge. They’re able to choose images, colors, and fonts that reflect their personality.
7. Content Developers For A Day
Employees who give their all will relish the opportunity to develop online training content. Even if it’s just sitting in with the L&D team for a day to offer their input. This also offers them a behind-the-scenes look at the eLearning development process. They can see how much planning and organization it takes to create meaningful online training content. Thus, they are more likely to appreciate the end result. Another way to reward top corporate learners is to include them in the course credits. For example, include a special thanks at the end of the module to acknowledge their contribution. Every time someone accesses the online training resource they will see the staff member's name prominently displayed. It’s the gift that keeps giving.
8. Access To The Exclusive Online Training Library
Employees who are interested in their own professional development are always looking for new online training tools and resources. They know that honing their talents involves an investment of time and effort. An exclusive online training library gives them the chance to upskill and broaden their knowledge on their own. You can even create topic-centered online training repositories that focus on certain departments or positions. For instance, employees can earn a one-week pass for the customer service library when they ace an online assessment. Make sure to include some fun online training activities that add a dose of entertainment to the online training experience, such as serious games.
These unconventional rewards may be just what your employees need to actively engage in online training. Best of all, they all tap into the power of intrinsic motivation and don’t cost a small fortune to implement. In fact, many of these ideas are free and can be integrated into your gamified online training course right away.
How familiar are you with gamified online training? Read the article Gamified Online Training: 8 Misconceptions eLearning Pros Should Know to discover 8 common misconceptions about gamified online training and the truths behind them.