8 Ways LMS Integrations Can Help You Enhance Performance Management And Evaluate Big Data

8 Ways LMS Integrations Can Help You Enhance Performance Management And Evaluate Big Data
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Summary: Managing employee performance and mass amounts of online training data is a significant challenge for many organizations. In this article, I show you how LMS integrations overcome both obstacles to maximize ROI.

Enhance Performance Management And Evaluate Big Data With LMS Integrations

Big Data just gets bigger by the day. New employees, new sources of information, and new technologies make it easier to analyze every aspect of business operations. But they also make it more challenging to glean valuable insights. Fortunately, LMS integrations for performance management can help you organize, manage, and evaluate your Big Data. As well as enhance performance management and identify areas for improvement. This way, you’re able to determine who has access to which reports and how user data is obtained and stored in the system. What's more, you know when to intervene to avoid compliance breaches and hone your in-house talent. So, let’s look at 8 ways that Learning Management System integrations fit into your online training strategy, focusing on improving performance behaviors, data analysis, and talent development.

eBook Release: Your Guide To Maximizing LMS ROI: How LMS Integrations Can Skyrocket Sales, Customer Satisfaction, And Staff Retention
eBook Release
Your Guide To Maximizing LMS ROI: How LMS Integrations Can Skyrocket Sales, Customer Satisfaction, And Staff Retention
Choose the best integrations based on your L&D strategy and business needs.

1. Analyze Data From Different Sources

The sheer amount of data trips up most organizations because there’s no oversight. It’s scattered across the various systems. This makes it difficult to spot trouble areas and make necessary changes. Or determine if their current approach is effective and employees are meeting company standards. LMS integrations enable you to analyze data from all these different sources in one place and eliminate fragmented analytics. The result is you can form a better understanding of employee performance behaviors, online training progress, and strengths/weaknesses.

2. Identify Hidden Talent

Another reason to add LMS integrations to your selection criteria is to evaluate employee competencies and identify hidden talent. For example, an employee excels at customer service but they’re currently on your sales team. You gather this information from CRM records and training reports within the LMS. Thus, you may want to give them a leadership role in the customer service department to utilize their talents more effectively. As well as assign eLearning courses and certifications to help them bridge gaps and avoid compliance risks that tie into their new job position.

3. Monitor Individual Progress

You’re able to track individual employee performance and progress using a single tool. For example, did they hit their sales targets last week? Are they gradually building their communication skills to improve customer service scores? What about compliance certifications for their position or department? You get a holistic overview of completion stats, assessment results, and real-world performance metrics with a SalesForce LMS. One of the most popular Learning Management System apps for progress tracking is API integrations, which allows you to pair different tech software and share data across platforms.

4. Ensure Team Leaders Have Actionable Online Training Data

LMS integrations give you the power to get the right reports into the right hands. For example, only team leaders have access to sales metrics and online training data for their department. Thus, they can act on the data to continually hone their team talent and improve productivity. Single sign-on makes it easy to access all the analytical Big Data and adjust their management approach.

5. Improve Internal Marketing

What prompts users to sign in to the LMS and build workplace skills? Internal marketing is essential for successful online training implementation. The key is finding the best approach for your team. What motivates them to train? Which gaps should you focus on drive engagement? LMS integrations help you spot common areas for improvement and then adjust your marketing strategy to grab employees’ attention. For example, prospect conversions are lower this quarter than last. How can you target this in online training and which marketing strategies can you employ to bring them in?

6. Use Data Visualizations To Identify Performance Trends

Data visualizations such as charts and graphs help you troubleshoot performance issues. As well as identify trends that require additional L&D resources or support. Let’s say that there’s a significant increase in return rates. You can trace the problem back to the source and offer additional JIT support to your sales and customer service team. Maybe they need more real-world activities or self-assessments. The information is one location, which makes it easier to connect the dots between online training and practical use.

7. Track Paid Online Training Revenues And Conversions

If you sell online training content to generate extra revenue, you must be able to monitor online sales, conversions, and user demographics. eCommerce LMS integrations give you the opportunity to track these paid initiatives and organize sales data. For example, determine how many users sign up for additional eLearning courses or how satisfied they are with the experience.

8. Monitor Customer Engagement

Customers are another online training group to consider regarding LMS integrations. Especially if you offer online knowledge and/or paid online training for your consumer base. SalesForce LMS allows you to monitor their involvement, conversions, and pain points. For example, how many of your employee training participants convert into paid customers? Are there online training resources that certain demographics use more often than others? How can you use your CRM data to improve your product demos and tutorials to boost sales?

LMS integrations shouldn’t be an afterthought. Or a feature that might be "nice to have" if you can fit it into your L&D budget. Think of them as a cost-effective way to boost employee performance, streamline operations, analyze Big Data, and fine-tune your internal marketing. Firstly, start with an online directory to find the right Learning Management System for your budget and industry. Then set up a free trial or demo to test the platform in the real world. If necessary, schedule a follow-up meeting with the vendor to address your key concerns. For instance, does your team worry about the limited reporting or is the UI difficult to manage?

If you’re looking for ways to boost the functionality of your LMS and turn it into a powerful tool for your organization, then this eBook is for you. Download Your Guide To Maximizing LMS ROI: How LMS Integrations Can Skyrocket Sales, Customer Satisfaction, And Staff Retention and discover must-have features, tips and best practices for implementing LMS integrations.

Originally published on December 5, 2020