5 Ways Video-Based Learning Is Changing The L&D Industry Today

5 Ways Video-Based Learning Is Changing The L&D Industry Today
Summary: Videos are an integral part of modern-day learners' lifestyles. Leverage this familiarity to increase efficiency and maximize training ROI by opting for video-based learning. Continue reading to understand how video-based learning is transforming L&D.

The Impact Of Video-Based Learning On L&D

With rapid technological advancements and innovation, the world of Learning and Development (L&D) has seen a remarkable transformation in recent years. From Instructional Design strategies to authoring tools to AI-enabled LMSs, the transformation is evident in every aspect of L&D. One noteworthy improvement that is making rounds of popularity is the video-based learning approach. It has significantly changed the way learners acquire new knowledge and skills. Videos combine elements of visual, auditory, and sometimes kinesthetic learning, making them a potent medium for delivering content.

In this article, we will explore how video-based learning is transforming the Learning and Development landscape. It is an effective way to promote better understanding and retention.

How Video-Based Learning Is Transforming Learning And Development

Experts believe that human brains process visual information significantly faster. Our brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. [1] This makes videos an ideal tool for conveying complex concepts in a digestible manner. Now let's see in detail how video-based learning is transforming the L&D industry.

Fosters Learner Engagement And Better Retention

Video-based learning is highly engaging. Various video elements like graphics, images, animations, and audio involve the different senses of the learners, thereby facilitating a multisensory learning experience. The combination of moving images, sound, and interactive elements captures the learners' attention and maintains their focus for longer periods, thereby promoting learner engagement. The increased learner engagement leads to better information retention and a holistic understanding of the learning material.

Here's an infographic listing 4 common multimedia elements with an uncommon impact when it comes to learner engagement and better retention in video-based learning.

Effective multimedia elements for video-based learning

Offers Accessibility And Flexibility

In today's fast-paced world, accessibility and flexibility are a must. And video-based learning ensures both. Learners can access videos from various devices, such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This enables them to learn at their own time and convenience. Moreover, the flexibility offered by video-based learning is particularly beneficial in ensuring work-life balance.

Learners can prioritize their tasks and take up learning courses based on their work schedule. They don't need to struggle with fixed training schedules. Apart from this, learners can pause, rewind, and rewatch the videos. It allows learners to proceed with the course at their own pace. This accommodates the diverse learning styles and preferences of learners, ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to grasp the information and concepts effectively.

Allows Demonstrative Learning

Teaching someone can take place in different ways and forms. But when we talk about effectiveness, demonstrative learning has no competition.

The above proverb is more relevant than ever before. Teaching someone can take place in different ways and forms. But when we talk about effectiveness, demonstrative learning has no competition. And video-based learning ensures that this effectiveness stays intact. Demonstration videos help learners see and understand how to do something.

They are extremely useful for complex topics and skills. Video-based learning is an ideal approach for presenting practical knowledge, such as product demonstrations, laboratory experiments, or hands-on training. Learners can watch an expert perform a task, follow along, and replicate the process, enhancing their skill development.

Enables Personalization

Personalization is an important aspect of L&D. It ensures relevancy, engagement, interactivity, and effectiveness. Video-based learning enables personalization in the learning journey. Learners can choose what they want to learn, revisit specific concepts and sections, or skip the topics that they have already understood.

This helps them make judicious use of their time and effort and focus on topics that are most relevant to their goals. The personalization aspect ensures that individuals receive a tailored learning experience based on their needs. It is particularly beneficial for training learners with different educational backgrounds and levels of expertise. Video-based learning helps learners progress more effectively.

Promotes Cost-Efficiency

Video-based learning is a cost-effective approach to delivering effective, high-impact corporate training. Once created, video content can be reused countless times. This brings down the cost of training per learner significantly. Moreover, distributing videos to a diverse, geographically dispersed large number of learners simultaneously is easy. Video-based learning eliminates the need for one-on-one instruction, thereby saving time and resources.

The scalability aspect is particularly advantageous for businesses with limited resources. Additionally, the cost of updating or modifying video content is relatively low in comparison to traditional printed materials or in-person training sessions. All these factors make video-based learning a sustainable option for keeping your training materials relevant and updated.

Summing Up

Video-based learning is undeniably transforming the L&D world. As technology continues to advance, the future of learning is likely to be even more video-centric. Videos will enable learners to acquire new information in an engaging, effective manner and help them grow and thrive in their respective roles. So, embrace video-based learning and harness its potential to provide your employees with high-impact, immersive training and stay ahead of your competition.


[1] Visualization – A Huge Asset to eLearning

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eBook Release: CommLab India
CommLab India
CommLab India specializes in leveraging rapid learning strategies and cutting-edge technologies to design custom eLearning courses that deliver exceptional value through scalability and speed of delivery.