Making A Success Of Your Learning Technology Implementation
  • May 31 2018
  • @ 11:00 am EDT
  • 60 Min.
  • Donald H Taylor

Making A Success Of Your Learning Technology Implementation

  • May 31 2018
  • @ 11:00 am EDT
  • 60 Min.
  • May 31 2018
  • @ 11:00 am EDT
  • 60 Min.
  • Donald H Taylor
  • Presented by Webinar presenter logo

  • Sponsored by Webinar sponsor logo

  • Presented by Webinar presenter logo

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Making A Success Of Your Learning Technology Implementation

Whether you're a learning solutions provider or running an L&D department, implementing a learning technologies system is not always easy. Donald has spent a lifetime in the field, and the last 17 years exploring what separates successful implementations from failures. In this session, he will share the pitfalls to avoid and the practical tools for ensuring success, including stakeholder analysis, a proven process, techniques for ensuring feedback and building the right team.

Webinar Objectives:

  • The single common cause of implementation failures
  • Three key things you must do to reduce risk
  • Ensuring success on each of your project’s six steps
  • How to access useful, free resources after the webinar
  • Who should be on your team

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Donald H Taylor

Donald H Taylor, author 'Learning Technologies in the Workplace'

Donald H Taylor has worked in learning and technology since he began programming PDP-11 computers in 1981. He has chaired the Learning Technologies Conference in London since 2000, and the Learning and Performance Institute since 2010. His background ranges from training delivery to managing director and vice-president positions in software companies. In 2017, Donald was appointed as a non-executive director of the British learning technology startup Filtered, which uses...

Donald H Taylor has worked in learning and technology since he began programming PDP-11 computers in 1981. He has chaired the Learning Technologies Conference in London since 2000, and the Learning and Performance Institute since 2010. His background ranges from training delivery to managing director and vice-president positions in software companies. In 2017, Donald was appointed as a non-executive director of the British learning technology startup Filtered, which uses patented algorithms to make intelligent learning recommendations. He is the author of ‘Learning Technologies in the Workplace’ (Kogan Page, 2017), a highly-rated, practical guide to ensuring successful implementations of learning technologies. He also delivers an online workshop based on the contents of the book and further research into the tools and techniques used by successful learning technologists. He is an influential writer and speaker in the field of technology-supported learning and was the 2007 recipient of the Colin Corder award for services to training. He also chairs the Learning and Skills Group, hosting its bi-weekly webinar programme, and edits Inside Learning Technologies Magazine. He is a graduate of Oxford University and in 2016 was awarded an honorary doctorate by Middlesex University in recognition of his work developing the L&D profession. Now based in London, he has lived and traveled extensively outside the UK and now travels regularly internationally to consult and speak about workplace learning.