What Are The Opportunities For Virtual Or eLearning Solutions?

Which Virtual Learning Solution Is Right For Your Team?

Which Virtual Learning Solution Is Right For Your Team?

Which Virtual Learning Solution Is Right For Your Team?

Today, there are numerous digital learning options and online platforms that make it easy to conduct remote training and learning – and augment in-person approaches. The key is knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the available platforms – and where each excels.

eBook Release
Hybrid Learning: The Ultimate Guide To Customizing Learning Experiences For Your Team
Whether it's leveling up your current eLearning approach or adopting a new one, this eBook will provide a roadmap for customizing learning experiences for every member of your team.

Recorded Webinars

Think of a recorded webinar as a pre-recorded video of a live presentation – only it is viewed online versus in person. It could involve video or audio of the presenter, along with standard presentation slides. Presentations can be created internally or outsourced to a specialist.



eLearning Platforms

eLearning provides a much more structured approach to virtual learning. It involves creating courses and training on a dedicated technology platform specifically designed for training and education. Courses are available online. Sophisticated user interfaces provide an intuitive user experience for those taking the training.

For companies seeking advanced functionality and course management tools, it could involve investing in a Learning Management System (LMS). Many LMSs fall into the enterprise software category and require course specialists to receive training. Others are hosted, cloud-based solutions. On the other end of the spectrum, there are app-based course authoring tools. The complexity of the solution will typically be determined by your training needs – and often – the size of your company.



Animated And Live-Action Videos

Anyone who has ever Googled "How to…" has likely found the answers by watching a YouTube video. When done right, videos are extremely effective teaching tools. They're ideal for demonstrating step-by-step processes. Missed something? Simply rewind or watch again. There is an art to creating an effective and engaging video. The work can be outsourced to a professional video production company or design firm that manages all aspects of the project (script development, narration, graphics, sound, lighting, editing, etc.). Alternatively, many
companies are creating videos in-house: thanks to powerful, low-cost, easy-to-use cameras, microphones, lighting and editing tools.



Virtual Reality (VR) Or Augmented Reality (AR)

Immense technological strides have taken virtual reality and augmented reality from the stuff of science fiction to, well… reality. Computer models simulate objects or scenarios to provide a safe yet highly realistic training ground. Images and videos can be viewed in 3D from multiple angles and perspectives. While costs are coming down, this advanced technology typically requires development support from a VR or AR design specialist and will require a higher upfront investment. That said, it is highly immersive and the next best thing to hands-on training.




Stay tuned for more considerations that every organization should keep in mind when choosing a hybrid training model. You can also download the eBook Hybrid Learning: The Ultimate Guide To Customizing Learning Experiences For Your Team by The Learning Network to discover how you can launch personalized hybrid learning programs for your remote workforce. You can also join the webinar to explore a roadmap for customizing learning experiences with a leading industry expert.

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