Why, Where, And When To Use Microlearning To Maximize Impact

Why, Where, And When To Use Microlearning

Why, Where, And When To Use Microlearning

Exploring The Merits Of Bite-Sized Learning

Microlearning is a skill-based approach to learning that delivers information in small, highly focused chunks, ideal for finding quick answers to specific problems. Some key principles of microlearning include focusing on a single learning objective, providing bite-sized content, utilizing multimedia elements, offering immediate feedback, and promoting self-directed learning, stimulating and engaging the learner. By breaking down information into smaller chunks, learners can easily digest and apply knowledge in a more efficient and effective manner.

Why You Should Use Microlearning

The practice of learning in small, repetitive chunks is considered an effective solution when developing skills, or learning languages and musical instruments. Increasingly, evidence shows that microlearning can be quite effective when it comes to employee training and performance. It is believed that learners learn and recall information more efficiently when provided with small, manageable chunks instead of longer-form training. Some of the major benefits of using microlearning are the following:

Why Not To Use Microlearning

Even if microlearning content has a lot of benefits for most of the audiences, there may be also some important details that I think are important and relevant to expose here as they may not apply to everyone. Let’s see some of them:

Where To Use Microlearning

I will begin by identifying the optimal channels for microlearning. There are two primary options to consider:

Microlearning content is most effective when used for the following recommended types of content:

For some examples that can be provided here, we can iterate:

When To Use Microlearning

One of the best ways to apply microlearning is on a mobile app dedicated to specific learning programs. You can use such a mobile app with microlearning content for:


Microlearning can help you learn faster and easier and allows for better applicability. It may not apply to everyone depending on one's ways of learning; while it may not be preferred by all, it can for sure provide quick content based on specific needs. In just a few words, microlearning equals small bites with a big impact. It's up to us to choose how we prefer to learn something new: by reading a story, watching a video, diving into a book, listening to an audiobook, or exploring bite-sized content like microlearning.

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