Writing In The Digital Age: Resources and Tools of Trade

Writing In The Digital Age: Resources and Tools of Trade

Writing In The Digital Age: Resources and Tools of Trade

Writing In The Digital Age

Gone are the days when students type their essays using a typewriter or even writing it with pen and paper. It's all about word processing software that makes formatting and writing a 10-page composition easy. It's not just in the tools we use that writing a school paper has changed. It also makes the researching and the proofreading process fifty times more efficient.

Digital Age Academic Resources

Most writing should be backed up by extensive research. This is why students take time to learn how to properly cite their sources because they'll be using tons in every paper they write for school.

However, sometimes the problem lies in the difficulty of finding enough materials for their topic. Many students spend hours and hours pouring over books in their university library, and still end up lacking with sufficient materials to write a research paper. But with the internet, the whole world is their library and they only need to know the right websites to help them.

There are numerous websites where students can view and download materials they can procure for their school papers. Below are some of the most comprehensive databases.

Digital Age Tools: Grammar and Style Editors

Writing isn't over until you've proofread it countless of times. Though you must also take the time to proofread your own work, there are online tools that can help you polish your writing.

You may not be the sharpest of writing. Your words may not be as eloquent as Mark Twain's, but you must still put the emphasis in the correctness of your grammar. Here are some tools that can edit your mistakes for you:

The internet opens up a treasure trove of information that there's no more reason for a school paper to lack substance. The numerous writing tools for students are limitless. With all the resources available to a student, the only sensible thing left to do is to ace that essay.

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