How To Use The 8 Learning Events Model In eLearning

How To Use The 8 Learning Events Model In eLearning
Summary: In this article, I'll discuss how to use Leclercq and Poumay's 8 Learning Events Model in eLearning. You'll find applications and tips for each event, so that you can begin integrating them into your eLearning course design and development strategy.

Tips On How To Use The 8 Learning Events Model In eLearning Course Design and Development Process

Just like snowflakes or fingerprints, no two eLearning courses are alike. However, all successful eLearning experiences have one thing in common: they all possess the perfect combination of learning events. By using Leclercq and Poumay's 8 Learning Events Model, eLearning professionals gain the opportunity to create powerful eLearning experiences for their audience. This is primarily due to the fact that this particular Instructional Design Model is centered around the activity of the learners and allows them to gain maximum benefit from the curriculum.

  1. Imitate Learning Event
    The imitate learning event involves observation and modeling. In essence, learners will imitate what they have learned or draw upon past experience in order to solve a current problem. To integrate imitate learning event into your eLearning course, create a video walkthrough of a particular task or an eLearning presentation that allows learners to observe the key steps in a process. Since imitation can be better achieved through social learning, you can also develop group activities that encourage learners to collaborate, and benefit from the experiences and knowledge base of the other group members.
  2. Reception Learning Event
    The reception learning event is centered around the transmission of information and how it is received by the learners. To incorporate the reception learning event into your eLearning course you can combine text with audio narration in order to cater to different learning needs, and provide the learners with content that is clear and concise; no verbose or lengthy blocks of text. It's important to mention that reception learning event must be paired with eLearning localization. In other words, the content must be written in a language that the learners can easily comprehend.
  3. Exercising Learning Event
    The exercising learning event is also referred to as “guidance”, and often involves some sort of routine that is accompanied by feedback. To integrate this into your eLearning course, you can create activities that offer a step-by-step look at a specific process. This will often involve observation beforehand to boost comprehension, and feedback once the activity has been completed. In short, your learners will need to practice what they have learned and put their knowledge to good use via practical activities and exercises. Often the exercising learning event will help learners to fine tune their skills and find alternative approaches to problem solving, especially if feedback is timely and has pointed out their commonly made errors.
  4. Exploration Learning Event
    As humans, we have an innate need to explore. We're curious and we tend to jump at the chance to learn new skills or information in order to solve challenging problems. The exploration learning event centers around this human trait. To offer your audience the chance to explore, you'll want to give them control over the learning process. Design eLearning activities or modules that encourage them to learn more about a topic on their own. Create eLearning games and interactive scenarios where their decisions lead to consequences or rewards. Ask them to explore a topic by reaching out to professionals online via social media sites, such as LinkedIn, in order to gain a better understanding of the subject matter.
  5. Experimentation Learning Event
    The experimentation learning event pertains to the application of knowledge. Learners must be able to try out the knowledge that they've acquired and use them to experiment. This often requires manipulation of the environment or exhausting all possibilities in order to arrive at a solution. To incorporate this learning event into your eLearning course design, you can develop simulations or group collaboration activities that allow your learners to put their newly acquired information to good use. You can also ask them to paraphrase key concepts to test their understanding and boost knowledge retention.
  6. Creation Learning Event
    This revolves around the idea of using newly learned knowledge or skills to create something new. In an eLearning course, this may be in the form of an activity that requires the learners to design a website based upon the subject matter or develop a lesson plan that explores the topic and then teach it to their peers. By doing this, learners can delve into the subject matter even further and commit it to long-term memory, which is the ultimate goal.
  7. Self Reflection Learning Event
    As the name suggests, the self reflection learning event focuses on the learners’ self reflection and understanding of the concepts being taught. This learning event encourages them to explore why they learn, how they learn, and even gain a better understanding of what they have learned throughout the eLearning course. This can be achieved in eLearning settings by asking the learners to identify how they will use the information in real world environments, or having them complete simulations or scenarios that give them the opportunity to see the benefits of building specific skill sets, which can also allow them to determine their strengths and weaknesses.
  8. Debate Learning Event
    This last learning event is also known as “animation”, and it focuses on justifying one's opinions or views, as well as being able to support them with facts or evidence. To include the debate learning event in your eLearning course you can integrate group activities that encourage learners to defend their views or debate about a particular topic. You can also ask learners to offer feedback on the work of their peers, so that they can discuss their different points of view or offer invaluable insight and experience.

Bear in mind that the 8 Learning Events model can be applied to any eLearning course, regardless of its audience or the ultimate learning objective. So, keep this tips on hand when you're designing your next eLearning deliverable to ensure that you integrate the right combination of the 8 Learning Events model.

Want to have an indepth look at the 8 Learning Events as written by Leclercq and Poumay? Then, I highly encourage you to read the detailed article The 8 Learning Events Model and its principles.

In addition, if you would prefer a visual representation, the 8 Types of Learning Events Every eLearning Course Must Have Infographic will give you a concise and to the point insight of the 8 learning events.