10 Tips To Effectively Use Videos In eLearning (2018 Update)

10 Tips To Effectively Use Videos in eLearning
Artith chotitayangkoon/Shutterstock.com
Summary: You may not have the budget to produce a blockbuster. But anyone can create a high-quality eLearning video with the right tools and techniques. In this article, I’ll offer 10 tips to effectively use videos in eLearning to improve retention and engagement.

How To Effectively Use Videos In eLearning: 10 Tips To Consider

Simulations, branching scenarios, and serious games have taken the eLearning world by storm. But tried and true videos will always hold a prominent place in eLearning course design. eLearning videos allow you to create a sense of immersion and connect with viewers on a deeper level. They also improve memory retention and real-world application by showing rather than telling. Here are 10 tips to use videos in eLearning, regardless of your production experience and L&D budget.

1. Bite-Sized Is Best

Videos in eLearning should contain small chunks of information that can be easily absorbed, which makes it more memorable than text, and emphasizes all the key points. Long eLearning videos often lead to cognitive overload, as online learners don’t know which data ties into their challenges or learning objectives. The sudden influx of ideas and concepts floods the mental synapses, instead of giving online learners time to connect new knowledge to existing schema.

2. Compress For Mobile Viewing

Videos in eLearning should be compressed for greater accessibility. Even mobile learners on a slow Internet connection must be able to view the eLearning video and get the information they need. Compression also allows them to quickly download the video for later viewing. For example, on the sales floor or during a client meeting to brush up on product knowledge.

3. Invest In High-Quality Editing Software

Even if you’re on a tight eLearning budget, you still need to invest in reliable editing software to produce polished eLearning videos. In fact, there are some free or low-cost options for those who have basic video editing experience. These tools allow you to transform the raw footage into an effective eLearning production. Some even feature animation tools so that you can add cartoon characters or re-enact potentially dangerous situations. Which comes in handy for health and safety compliance online training.

4. Show Skills In Action

Videos in eLearning are particularly effective when they can demonstrate the “how-to” or “how-to-not”, especially when the eLearning course revolves around customer service and sales. Try to incorporate immersive video scenarios and high-impact storylines to provide a better sense of realism and show skills in action. For example, the main character demonstrates how to effectively resolve a conflict using communication and problem-solving skills.

5. Start With A Script And Story Map

A common eLearning video mistake is to jump right into the filming or creation process without laying a solid foundation. Create a storyboard that maps out every scene, as well as script to outline the character dialogue and interactions. This helps ensure that you cover all the essential discussion points and delegate tasks more efficiently. For example, your graphic designer knows when to include relevant cut-out characters or background images to set the scene.

6. Add Interactive Elements

Videos in eLearning should be interactive in order to keep the audience engaged, involved and focused. Add interactive elements to your eLearning video to boost engagement and immersion. For example, instead of a static video that involves passive observation, give online learners the ability to choose their own path. Include a question after the first scene that veers off into two different eLearning videos based on their response. Or you can simply add links to supplemental online training resources to broaden their understanding and allow them to explore on their own.

7. Make It Story-Centered

No matter what topic or task your video features, it’s always best to center on a story. Develop a basic plot and memorable characters to help online learners relate. Then throw in a challenge or problem that they need to address throughout the eLearning video, followed by a resolution. The usual story arc. For example, the employee in the eLearning video needs to improve their task performance to earn their certificate. The story showcases how they develop related skills and task knowledge. Then walks viewers through every step of the task. It becomes an interactive and engaging eLearning experience instead of a simple online training tutorial.

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8. Use Audio To Immerse And Foster Emotional Connectivity

Images help learners retain the information more effectively, but audio allows them to emotional connect with the online training content. Incorporate audio narrations, sound effects, and other immersive elements to take your eLearning video to the next level. There are numerous sites that provide free or inexpensive effects and music. The same goes for audio editing programs that enable you to record and fine tune your narrations.

9. Pair eLearning Videos With Hands-On Online Training Activities

Kinesthetic learners need a more hands-on experience to connect with the subject matter. Thus, you might consider pairing your videos with real world activities, such as online training simulations and serious games that improve comprehension. These online training resources also give EVERY member of your audience the chance to apply what they’ve learned in a practical sense, which helps them beat the forgetting curve and put everything into context.

10. Ignite Your Creative Spark Without Compromising Practicality

Think about how TV programs are shot, their plot, background music and editing. Different camera angles, smooth or more intense music, actors who emphasize on the key points. Even good lighting and can enhance the quality of your eLearning video. Get creative with your story lines and character development without overshadowing the subject matter. Remember, practicality comes before entertainment.

Modern learners expect something more from their eLearning videos. They need to be immersive, interactive, and entertaining to hold their interest. Use this article as a guide to produce more effective eLearning videos for your mobile, multi-generational audience, as well as cater to diverse learning preferences so that everyone gets maximum benefit from the eLearning experience.

You don't have to be a movie producer to create top notch eLearning videos that wow your audience. Read the article 7 Tips To Create Hollywood-Worthy eLearning Videos to discover 7 tips to develop eLearning videos that are worthy of the silver screen.

Originally published on September 12, 2013