7 Best Practices For Designing Accessible Online Training Programs

Designing Accessible eLearning Training Programs

Designing Accessible eLearning Training Programs

Why Do Organizations Need To Design Accessible Online Training Programs?

As per the World Health Organization, more than one billion people in the world live with some type of disability. One of the most common forms of learning challenges today is dyslexia, affecting around 10% of the population to some degree. As a result, there’s a high probability that you’ll have at least one disabled learner in your training group. It is the responsibility of the organization and L&D teams, in particular, to ensure that everyone experiences training in a positive and engaging way. So, what’s the solution to this problem: accessible online training.

If you don’t have or are unsure of how to make your courses disability-friendly, you’ve come to the right place. You can use the following 7 best practices as you begin designing accessible eLearning courses.

7 Best Practices For Designing Accessible eLearning Courses

1. Provide Choices For Disability Disclosure

2. Eliminate Barriers For Visually Impaired Learners

3. Design The Content And Layout To Support Dyslexic Learners

4. Produce Videos That Are Accessible For Hearing-Impaired Learners

5. Craft Videos That Are Safe And Easy To Navigate

6. Generate Disability-Friendly Links

7. Design With Flexibility In Mind

Parting Thoughts

eLearning is definitely an effective tool to engage learners, especially remote learners. Creating accessible eLearning is another key area to focus on to form a wholesome, inclusive environment for all types of learners. The focus is to start your design with accessibility in mind, rather than attempting a time-consuming digital retrofit later on.

I hope the best practices laid out in this article help you design more inclusive, accessible eLearning courses.

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