What The Future Holds For Corporate Compliance Training

What The Future Holds For Corporate Compliance Training
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com
Summary: To be viable in the emerging online enabled world, compliance training is evolving. The training of tomorrow, and the benefits it can bring your company, stem from the value you place on your staff and how to train them with technology.

Corporate Compliance Training: What Does The Future Hold For It?

Corporate compliance training is a part of any successful business. As your industry grows, so do your needs to have a fully informed and operational staff. Keeping your staff ready means keeping them up to date on policies, procedures, and daily operations within your company. Staying current with the industry trends will keep you at the cutting edge and will help promote a successful environment. With the growing demand for improving corporate training, innovation and change is closer than you might realize.

More Opportunities to Train

One of the current issues in compliance training is scheduling. As such, corporate compliance training is moving away from the conference rooms and is moving to the web [1]. By having the training readily available wherever your employee is guarantees opportunities for them to take it at their own time, and to not disrupt them while they are actively engaged on a task. This alleviates the burden of trying to schedule a room, deciding who to invite, and planning make-up sessions for those who are unable to make their appointment.

Not only does web-based training be more accessible for your learners, but the frequency for training can be increased to meet any potential needs as they arise. Any encroaching concerns that could potentially affect employee performance can be quickly addressed, making sure that issue prevention becomes a priority and keeping your staff ready and compliant as quickly as possible.

Online training has the added bonus of being available for self-evaluation and can be accessed when your staff feels inclined to refresh their skills on a subject. By giving your staff access to a searchable database of training resources, they will have the opportunity to initiate training on their own terms and have the materials readily available for a quick reference when they are uncertain about a procedure or operation.

Training Can Be Updated Instantly

Being physically present for training is time-consuming. Locations need to be set up, materials need to be distributed, and spending the time to cover the material effectively is a huge commitment. As such, content for a static training is made to cover as wide a spectrum as possible, which tends to only reach the lowest common denominator among learners. Today’s professional learner has ceased to respond to this outdated practice. The future of training will be flexible and allow many opportunities for learners to learn from their mistakes in real-time.

Generic compliance training is not as effective as customized training because learning content needs to be specific to be effective. Mindful compliance training is training that can be updated regularly to reflect the changes within your company. The benefit of having your training online means that the resources can be updated more frequently, and the feedback you collect is immediate. If the training is not resolving an issue effectively, then the issues can be tracked and updated as quickly as they are addressed.

Training Can Now Be Interactive

Training is most effective when it is engaging, and the incorporation of cutting-edge learning technology is one of the best ways to engage adult learners. Luckily, today’s L&D professionals have many innovative ways to bring technology into corporate training.

Classroom-based interactivity can suffer because people approach learning differently when it’s in a public setting. Employees might have valuable questions to ask but may be too shy to speak up, and it’s all too easy for the learning trajectory to get sidetracked by tangents and off-topic conversations. With online enabled training, the learning content is designed specifically for the learner to respond, which allows learners of diverse backgrounds and comfort levels to engage with the material in a meaningful way.

Taking an example from the manufacturing industry, a training session that involves interacting with machinery on the factory floor would typically require the learners to be present to observe the mechanical operations. This can be problematic because in instances like a factory floor, this means production must be stopped to conduct training. Augmenting solid learning content with up and coming technology like virtual reality gives learners an opportunity to tour a facility or learn the nuances of a particular machine without having it be physically present. VR can provide an interactive element that allows the learner to see something in its entirety up close and personal without halting production or creating a potentially dangerous situation.


There will always be a need for cutting-edge compliance training, and by recognizing the benefits improved customization brings to your training, your workforce has a better chance at staying up to date and in the know. By investing in new technologies, professional development can be much more creative and engaging, resulting in lasting lessons that will benefit your company as well as your staff.


[1] Importance of E-Learning Anytime and Anywhere

eBook Release: AllenComm
The experts at AllenComm solve business problems with beautiful custom learning solutions. We bring creativity into instructional design. We change behaviors and influence choices. We build better training.