Creating A Business Case For Modern Learning

Creating A Business Case For Modern Learning
Summary: Learn how to make your business case stand out and bring the results you need.

Sharing Your Vision With Others

Convincing your internal stakeholders to move beyond traditional learning practices to embrace modern workplace learning can be an uphill battle. They may come to the table with a legacy mindset. Your executive decision-makers might not know what modern learning means, appreciate how and why this approach differs from traditional classroom instruction or other online learning methods, or understand why your organization should embrace it. This guide is purposefully designed to walk you through how to build and make a compelling business case for modern learning that’s intended to galvanize action from the corner office.

eBook Release: Modern Learning Business Case Workbook
eBook Release
Modern Learning Business Case Workbook
Learn how to create and defend your business case for modern learning and lead your training program to success!

From a definition of modern learning to industry data to checklists to tips for engaging stakeholders, this workbook is full of useful resources to help you successfully achieve internal buy-in for investing in a modern learning strategy within your organization.

Moving Beyond Outdated Learning

From managing the onslaught of technological change to closing the leadership gap to addressing employee expectations for learning immediacy and flexibility, Learning and Development leaders know that learning is now more than just a “nice to have”—it’s a central business strategy and a critical competitive differentiator.

Modern learning tools and strategies can play a crucial role in driving large-scale business transformation within today’s fast-changing organizations. However, convincing executives to get on board is easier said than done.

While 70% of CEOs today believe their organization doesn’t have the sufficient skills needed to adapt to changing market conditions, and most CEOs identify employee careers and learning as a priority, many executives fail to see the connection between modern learning strategies, employee engagement, and improved organizational learning outcomes.

What The Experts Say About Creating A Modern Learning Business Case

Learning and Development practitioners continue to face a frustrating uphill battle when it comes to convincing their executives to move beyond traditional classroom-style learning practices to embrace modern learning concepts like video, Social Assessment™, content creation and curation, and on-demand bite-sized learning.

Additional Challenges

In addition to facing down the fear of change, Learning and Development professionals must contend with operational issues such as reduced funding and resource cutbacks. At the same time, they need to carefully manage stakeholder expectations while building a bulletproof case for upgrading employee training by investing in effective and engaging modern learning tools and approaches.

A Quick Intro To Modern Learning

Driven by an explosion of online resources, new digital capabilities, and the need to quickly develop new skills to thrive in a changing world of work, today’s employees have different expectations when it comes to how they communicate, collaborate, and learn in the workplace. Your organizational learning model needs to evolve in lockstep, allowing for an employee-driven learning strategy that leverages modern learning tools and approaches to meet the needs of modern learners.

In addition to ever-changing customer needs, today’s organizations are also facing unprecedented employee turnover rates. To ensure agility in the face of rapid change, they need to rethink how Learning and Development can support organizational infrastructure and performance. Investing in modern learning can help.

Modern learning is about leveraging tech-enabled tools and strategies to support Just-In-Time employee learning, helping them develop the skills they need to succeed while empowering them to lead their own continuous self-development in the workplace.

Create Consensus Around Modern Learning

In a large enterprise, gaining approval for a modern learning program can involve multiple levels in the organization and require the engagement of people in different geographies and roles. To build a successful business case for modern learning, you should develop a solid understanding of your organizational stakeholders, their different decision-making styles, and the internal business dynamics and politics at play.

To move forward with a successful business case, you’ll need to overcome your own organizational dynamics to identify the stakeholders who will be most receptive to change and willing to work with you to create consensus. You will also need to give your stakeholders insight into the issues driving the need for modern learning and tools to coach others through the change.


Download the eBook Modern Learning Business Case Workbook and learn everything you need to know about the business aspect of your L&D scheme.

Originally published on February 22, 2021