eBook Release: The Critical Importance Of Learner Experience In eLearning

Free eBook: The Critical Importance Of Learner Experience In eLearning
Summary: In this eBook, you will explore why a learning program fails if the learning experience does not facilitate the learning journey, even if learners are provided with the best of tools.

The Critical Importance Of Learner Experience In eLearning

Can you recall the first time you learned how to cook a basic meal? Did you find a cookbook, study preparation guidelines, and figure out how to put it together yourself? Did a parent or peer show you how to do it, step by step? Or, perhaps the first time you made your own meal was in the information age, and you simply got online, found a few instructional videos and recipes, and proceeded to create your first meal yourself. Or maybe it was a mix of all of the above.

eBook Release: eBook - The Critical Importance Of Learner Experience In eLearning
eBook Release
eBook - The Critical Importance Of Learner Experience In eLearning
This eBook will help you learn what makes a stellar learner experience and how to design it.

In any case, the ease with which you were able to acquire the knowledge necessary to complete the intended task at hand –in this case, a basic meal– represents the most critical, central part of the learning journey that enabled you, as a learner, to achieve your desired outcome expediently, efficiently, and effortlessly.

What does this have to do with the eBook The Critical Importance Of Learner Experience In eLearning?

Well, unless you’re in the business of restaurants or culinary arts, learning to cook may differ in content from what and how we learn in corporate learning environments, but in many ways the form and function of the process behind learning is not dissimilar. And what links any learning process in any field, in any environment is the critical importance of learner experience.

About The eBook: Why Learner Experience Is Crucial

Beyond content, beyond strategy, beyond processes, and beyond technology, the effectiveness of any learning program is ultimately only as good as the learner experience when all is said and done. Even if learners are provided with the best tools to learn and the best learning programs, if the actual learner experience does not facilitate a smooth, tailored learning journey, then the ship has sunk before it has even left the harbor.

And this is what you will explore in the eBook The Critical Importance Of Learner Experience In eLearning. Of course, any smart learning strategy will incorporate a blend of people, processes, and technology to achieve its aims. But in this eBook you will learn about the critical role of learner experience in making a learning strategy actually work. In the pages of the eBook you will explore:

  • The difference behind the terms often associated with learner experience, including user interface, user experience, learner experience.
  • How learner experience is the weakest link in any learning strategy.
  • The elements that make a great learner experience, across people, processes, and technology.
  • The critical role of modern and emerging elements in eLearning that have helped and will continue to facilitate a seamless learning journey.
  • The essential role of traditional learning modalities in eLearning and any learning strategy.
  • Actionable takeaways to improve eLearning programs that genuinely engage learners and improve learning performance and business performance.

Of course, while we can always leverage broad tactics and strategies to get our learners on board, it is essential to understand that every individual learner is unique, and one’s learning journey may be quite different from another’s. But this you will also explore in this eBook. To dive into the world of learner experience, download the eBook here.

Related Articles:

  1. 6 Ways To Deliver An Effective Learner Experience In eLearning
  2. 6 Aspects Of Delivering Effective Learner Experience In eLearning
  3. 4 Elements Of A Great Learner Experience In eLearning
Originally published on October 17, 2017