eBook Release: Developing An Effective Employee Onboarding Process In The Modern Workplace

eBook Release Developing An Effective Employee Onboarding Process In The Modern Workplace
Andrii Yalanskyi/Shutterstock.com
Summary: It is said that employees consider leaving their companies due to poor online training and development. Employee onboarding is part of this experience too. Read the article and find out how you can create effective employee onboarding processes for your modern organization and retain your new hires.

Effective Employee Onboarding For Modern Organizations

Onboarding, which also goes by the name of organizational socialization, is a term that began to grow in the 1970s. It describes the process through which new employees become accustomed to new knowledge, skills, and behaviors in order to become effective members of an organization. Even if this term comes from the past, the onboarding processes have changed significantly.

eBook Release: Developing An Effective Employee Onboarding Process In The Modern Workplace
eBook Release
Developing An Effective Employee Onboarding Process In The Modern Workplace
As technology and business processes continue to change, we must take greater care to support employees with effective onboarding.

A New Age For Employee Onboarding

It would be extremely convenient to just hand over a folder and a desk to your new employees. Then, discuss briefly the company goals, share a document with the policies, and some basic orientation tips. It would save you valuable time as well. Also, you wouldn’t spend too much time worrying about the new hires. Luckily, these old and dusty orientation practices have been altered and have become what we all know as employee onboarding. Technological innovations have helped take onboarding to a whole new level. Excuses for not implementing it correctly are finally off the table!

It is essential to get an idea of why more and more people are investing in employee onboarding best practices. Why do business experts truly care about creating and developing a smooth and valuable onboarding process for their new hires? The modern organization is well aware of the benefits it carries. A lot of employees leave their companies because of little development opportunities and online training. And, at the same time, as AllenComm experts state in their eBook, Developing An Effective Employee Onboarding Process In The Modern Workplace, 94% of employees claim they would stay longer in a company if their company helped them learn.

Modern Onboarding For Modern Employees

You need your new, experienced workforce to stay and give value to your organization, right? Then look at the numbers and reflect on the truth that lays behind them. Employees need and want to learn. They care about online training. And if it’s about onboarding and becoming familiar with their new role, it’s even more important to them—nobody likes feeling isolated or lost. Modernize your organization by offering your new hires useful onboarding experiences that will make them valuable members of your business really quick.

Your new employees are filled with excitement about their new job and they simply can’t wait to rock their new role in your business. The last thing you want is for them to start on the wrong foot from the very beginning, as this would jeopardize their performance in the future. Your goal now is to create interactive and engaging pieces of onboarding online training to provide them with the necessary know-how before applying it on the job.

About The eBook

This very resourceful eBook by AllenComm is every business expert’s go-to guide for effective employee onboarding. In a world of constant change and innovation, you can’t stay still. Even if we’re talking about designing and developing onboarding processes. There are no pre-cut patterns for doing so or specific practices. The thing that is certain is that you must discover how to carefully design practices that can speed up knowledge retention and confidence in the workplace for your new hires, without bombarding them with all the unnecessary information.

So, grab the opportunity to delve into the world of successful onboarding implementation by reading all about it in this eBook. It starts by exploring what a modern workforce consists of and how to design, develop, and deploy onboarding practices. Moreover, all the top-notch strategies, technologies and approaches are being thoroughly explained. Thus, you can develop effective employee onboarding processes. Ensure the engagement and high performance of your employees. Don’t miss out on the chance to learn about the following topics:

  • Reasons To Invest In Employee Onboarding In Your Organization
  • Dos And Don'ts When Planning Effective Employee Onboarding
  • Design Tips For An Interactive Onboarding Experience
  • The Impact Of Employee Onboarding On The Corporate Training ROI
  • Ways To Evaluate And Optimize Your Onboarding Process
  • Budget Factors To Consider When Building Your Employee Onboarding Training
  • In-House Vs. Outsourcing Employee Onboarding: What's The Right Solution For Your Needs?


By investing in employee onboarding, one thing’s for sure, you invest in your organization’s future. The creation of engaging, modern, and impactful onboarding online training guarantees employee development and retention. Think smart, do your research, and consult this valuable guide on employee onboarding, and benefit from its successful implementation in the future. Extra tip: Don’t forget to be aligned at all times with your business’s learning objectives. If you fail to do so, the results may not be as intended.

Make a great impression on your new hires by giving them top-notch engaging and interactive onboarding experiences. They will know what to expect from their new job role from day one, and it will only lead to their development. Keep them motivated and engaged, and you’ll witness your new employees turn into rockstars! Download the eBook Developing An Effective Employee Onboarding Process In The Modern Workplace to discover all about offering modern employees modern onboarding.