8 Different Types Of Training Videos And When To Use Them

8 Different Types Of Training Videos And When To Use Them
Vector Goddess/Shutterstock
Summary: Having trouble finding a suitable video type for your training programs? Maybe our list of 8 different types of training videos can help.

Different Types Of Training Videos

Training videos are the best way we know so far to tackle the shortening attention span. This approach to workplace training excels at breaking down complicated, dull, or abstract concepts into more digestible chunks of information. It captures the audience’s attention to deliver the knowledge immersively. The problem is, there are just so many types of training videos to choose from. Choosing a suitable video type depends on your audience’s goals, your budget, available resources, or in some cases just personal preference. But for a start, we will guide you through 8 of the most common types of training videos and when each one outshines the others. Let’s take a look!

1. Instructor-Led Training Videos

This is one of the most common types of training videos you can find in online programs. Instructor-Led Training videos feature an instructor delivering the information to the camera. However, this method itself is not that engaging. The instructor needs to combine other materials like images, screencasts, or presentations to boost the effectiveness of the training video.

It’s important that Instructor-Led Training videos are concise. Providing information in short bursts allows learners to acquire knowledge straightaway. It saves valuable and productive time, as well as avoids things that will get too distracting for the audience. A longer video takes more time to be digested and eventually applied.

  • When to use
    Instructor-led videos are most applicable when you have an engaging, expert presenter to showcase.
  • Pro tips
    Always keep your instructor-led videos short, about ten minutes max. Should the videos be longer, learners may lose interest. Focus on the core concepts to deliver concise and clear information. You can recycle old materials to create more microlearning-friendly content.

2. Animated Training Videos

Animated training videos come in all shapes and sizes. We have stop-motion, whiteboard animation, explainer, 3D, kinetic text and video, and moving infographics, just to name a few. These are training videos that utilize fully animated visuals to illustrate the content. They are great for explaining ideas, data, and complex processes.

  • When to use
    Animated training videos excel at explaining complex processes and ideas. They can illustrate concepts that are invisible or challenging to imagine. The idea is to engage online learners and promote positive changes.

3. Simulation Training Videos

Simulation training videos, or scenario-based training videos, use real-world situations to educate learners. The audience will experience relatable scenarios that they can brainstorm viable solutions for. Unlike other types of training videos, simulation training programs are specific. This type of training video showcases exactly how one should handle a certain situation. For example, what to do when faced with a dissatisfied customer, a system error, or a coworker conflict.

  • When to use
    Simulation training videos are best for experiential learning. They showcase how the knowledge should be applied or how employees are supposed to deal with difficult situations.

4. How-To Training Videos

How-to training videos, also known as demonstration videos, demonstrate a task or guide the learner through a process. They are popular on YouTube, where the instructor often showcases the exact process in their videos. When the audience attempts to replicate that process in their own experience, it triggers learning. From there, learners acquire the information they need, like "how to cut an onion" or "how to bake cookies."

  • When to use
    Take advantage of how-to training videos to demonstrate step-by-step processes and guide learners through them.

5. Interactive Training Videos

Interactive training videos incorporate interactive elements to allow the learners to lead their storylines and involve themselves in the experience. The interactive elements can be quizzes (short assessments at the end of the video), 360 views (all-direction viewing), or in-person communicative lectures. Interactive training videos are time-intensive to create. However, they are by far one of the most engaging types of training videos, providing learners with the opportunity to explore the end result of their choices.

  • When to use
    Use interactive videos as often as possible. They can be incorporated into different types of training videos to create a more immersive experience. If time and budget permit, interactive videos can be the most effective tool to facilitate human learning. However, they also cost the most resources to build.

6. Presenter Training Videos

Presenter training videos involve someone speaking directly to the audience through the camera. However, unlike Instructor-Led Training videos, this type doesn’t require illustration to be effective. Presenter training videos work best when you want to showcase the presenter’s skills and knowledge. Another benefit of a presenter video is that it takes little to produce. The presenter can easily turn a regular training session into a video using a camera.

  • When to use
    Businesses can go for presenter training videos when there’s a personable and credible presenter in-house. This method also allows the organizations to create training content from available resources.

7. HSE Training Videos

Health, safety, and environment (or HSE for short) training videos employ a systematic approach to address aspects of workplace safety. They help raise awareness about possible threats to the health and well-being of employees. Apart from general topics, HSE training videos should also deal with company-specific safety practices. This includes workplace safety overviews, facility accident statistics, or the most common types of injuries in a certain job.

  • When to use
    HSE training videos can be used to educate employees about workplace safety in compliance with safety training regulations.

8. Screencast Training Videos

Screencast training videos are screen recordings of training content that are most popular with software tutorials and demos. The videos capture the actual software on-screen and typically use voice-over narration to guide the learner to complete a set of tasks. Hundreds of large-scale software companies have utilized this type of training video to help their customers understand how to use their software.

  • When to use
    Screencast training videos are most effective for software tutorials or technical process instructions.


When it comes to different types of training videos, your choices are abundant. From a simple screencast recording to beautifully designed animated videos, feel free to explore the options to find the one that best fits your goals. Keep on integrating videos into future training programs to make your employees’ development more entertaining, engaging, and effective.

eBook Release: F.Learning Studio
F.Learning Studio
F.Learning Studio brings the best tailor-made animation for your e-Learning courses at competitive pricing.
Originally published at flearningstudio.com.