42 results matching your search criteria.

Sertifier INC

Sertifier is an integrable software and web service which revolutionizes traditional certificate designing and printing process by allowing its customers to create and design digital and verifiable certificates. Read more


SubscriptionFlow is a retention and engagement management platform which helps businesses with live insights of customer journey so they can take decision to get them onboard by perform different engagement activities. Read more

The Gamehill

Gamehill platform delivers tailor made learning content for professionals to their laptops and mobile phones. Read more


Woliba fosters workplace culture, collaboration, and employee wellness, reducing stress and enhancing team connections for thriving organizations. Read more

Xoxoday Empuls

The holistic employee engagement platform that lets organizations recognize, reward, and connect with their people. Read more

ZIZO Technologies

ZIZO is a revolutionary gamification platform that uses game mechanics for employee engagement in the workplace. This unique platform integrates the game elements to enhance the performance of your employees and provides you with real-time insights. Read more

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