eBook Launch: 10 eLearning Game Tips For Instructional Designers

eBook Launch: 10 eLearning Game Tips For Instructional Designers

eBook Launch: 10 eLearning Game Tips For Instructional Designers

eLearning Game Tips To Challenge And Engage Your Learning Audience

Games have the power to motivate your online learners and make the experience more meaningful. But how do you create game-based training that rewards learners for a job well done and aligns with your L&D objectives? This eBook covers 10 eLearning game tips to help Instructional Designers fuel mistake-driven learning and put learners' skills to the challenge.

eBook Release
10 eLearning Game Tips For Instructional Designers
From storytelling to easter eggs, there are tons of ways to keep your learners hooked!

Why eLearning Games Are Such A Powerful Development Tool

Every game tells a story. Maybe it's one that centers on helping a customer choose the best product or resolving a co-worker's conflict tactfully. However, eLearning games do more than just tell tales. When done right, they give learners the opportunity to pursue different decision paths in a safe space, evaluate their behaviors, and identify personal areas for improvement. The best part is that, often, all of this happens behind the scenes because they're busy progressing to the next level or earning that skill-building badge. Another game-based learning perk is that they provide discreet feedback so that learners can continually hone their talents without feeling judged.

About This eBook

Successful game-based learning experiences strike a balance between risk and reward every time. So, how do you create eLearning games that inspire learners and put everything into context? Here's a sneak preview of what you'll find in this guide by ELB Learning:

How To Get Your Copy

Download the eBook 10 eLearning Game Tips For Instructional Designers by ELB Learning today to launch a game-based learning strategy that motivates your learners and offers hands-on experience.

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