eLearning Data Security: 6 Ideas To Keep Your L&D Program Safe And Sound

eLearning Data Security: 6 Ideas To Keep Your L&D Program Safe And Sound
Summary: Are cyberattacks threatening the future of your eLearning business? Read on to discover 6 top tips to boost your eLearning data security.

Boosting eLearning Data Security In 6 Easy Steps

A lot comes to mind when we talk about cybersecurity: antivirus software, firewalls, encryption, and much more. However, it’s important to remember that technology alone can’t keep your L&D program safe. The success of a cybersecurity program also depends on the people who will implement it and follow its guidelines. As cyberattack numbers soar each year and more employees work outside the office, the need for a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness plan becomes even greater. In this article, we highlight 6 crucial tips that will boost eLearning data security within your organization.

How To Boost Cybersecurity Awareness In Your Organization

1. Assess Your Current Situation

In order to know which steps you need to take to protect your online training program, you must know your organization’s current level of security. This would entail assessments of the technology you’re already using as well the knowledge level of your employees. You can do that by exploring the features of your antivirus solution or cataloging hacking attempts and how many of them were successful. You can also hand out questionnaires to assess the security steps your employees are following every day or their ability to identify a phishing attempt.

2. Train Employees To Recognize Phishing Attempts

The most common cyberattacks against businesses happen through phishing. This term refers to attempts to steal login credentials using fake emails or websites. To avoid this threat, you must train employees to recognize and report these malicious acts. There are various phishing simulators in the market that can help you pinpoint vulnerable employees in your company. These simulators can subsequently be used as training tools. In any case, try to create engaging and diverse training programs for your employees. Training against phishing becomes even more imperative due to the increase of remote employees. Since employees can’t easily ask their colleagues about a suspicious email, they can easily fall into a trap.

3. Make Cybersecurity Training Engaging

Speaking about security awareness training programs, there’s one thing most of them fail to achieve: learner engagement. Your employees can’t develop interest and retain information in the long run if the training material is impersonal and filled with legal and technical jargon. You will have better results by comparing complex concepts to everyday situations. Share well-known breach stories, explaining what happened, the consequences of the event, and how a similar situation would affect your company. Don’t forget to stress the importance of practicing cybersecurity in their personal lives and show them how to create strong passwords and recognize dangers. Finally, encourage everyone to ask questions. This way, all employees participate in the process, thus increasing knowledge retention rates.

4. Involve Employees In The Process

As we mentioned before, the security of your eLearning data is a matter that expands beyond technology. But that doesn’t mean that all responsibility must fall on the shoulders of the IT team. Get more people involved by assigning security champions from each department to share advice on security issues and send notices regarding training. These champions can even offer some type of acknowledgment to their peers after they complete their security training, such as badges or certificates. This positive reinforcement will encourage employees to complete training until the number of security mishaps starts decreasing.

5. Use Data To Measure Effectiveness

Using the most advanced cybersecurity equipment and training your employees to recognize and respond to threats are great steps to enhance your eLearning data security. However, you can’t call this project complete until you have the data to back up your results. In other words, you must establish some basic metrics that prove to you (and the top management) that your cybersecurity measures are effective. This could include counting the total number of security incidents prior to training and a few months after. This comparative measure will give you a clear understanding of the progress your company has made, as well as the adjustments you need to make in the future.

6. Ensure Top-Down Support

As with any project in a business, your cybersecurity program won’t be successful without the leadership’s support and interest. Get senior management involved so that they can become an example for the rest of the organization. This would send a strong message to all employees about the importance and urgency of keeping L&D data safe. By ensuring the support of the management team, you can start building a security awareness culture that urges everyone to be mindful not for fear of being punished but due to their genuine interest to protect the fruits of their hard work.


We can’t stress enough the importance of creating a cybersecurity awareness culture and training employees to use the web responsibly. Cyberattacks occur in many forms and can be especially harmful for an organization operating online. Using the tips we shared in this article, you can take a holistic approach regarding the security of your eLearning data and achieve maximum results.

Originally published on October 10, 2022