7 eLearning Design And Development Mistakes

7 eLearning Design And Development Mistakes

7 eLearning Design And Development Mistakes

eLearning Design And Development Mistakes To Avoid

We all know the importance of learning from our mistakes. It’s what allows us to become better in every aspect. But there is a downside when you make errors—no matter how small or large they may be—on eLearning content creation. It can lead not only to bad feedback but also wasted time trying to do something again that didn't work out initially, instead of focusing on creating quality material for learners who want to access your product or service offerings online! Here are some ways around these obstacles:

1. Not Researching Your LMS And Authoring Tools Options Beforehand

Choosing the right LMS and authoring tools are key to your success as an eLearning developer. Your selection should account for every aspect of what you plan on creating in terms of features, ease-of-use capabilities (and not just simplicity), versatility with different types/versions of video files, etc., but also how these items will work together efficiently so that there's no wasted time when completing projects because they're all compatible. Do not hesitate to ask for demonstrations and carry out extensive research before settling on an LMS. Without the proper platform, you will be unable to design or develop eLearning courses that match your learning objectives effectively—so do your homework!

2. Losing Focus Of Your Primary Objectives And Goals

If you're going into the design and development of your eLearning course without knowing what objectives will ultimately guide it, then chances are good that things won't go quite as planned. The learning goals should be worked out at each stage throughout all aspects related to creation—from module planning down through text blocks or multimedia elements like video clips. They should serve as a road map for how we develop our courses so that they meet the overall requirements while still being engaging enough to be completed by learners who take them on board. Not only does it matter if you have fully developed objectives and goals, but also don't lose sight of them as you develop the deliverables. Stay focused!

3. Creating Verbose And Cluttered Modules

Keep in mind that eLearning courses need to be simple, clear, and concise. Avoid using verbose modules which will only confuse the learners. Make sure your content is easy to follow with short sentences or bullet points rather than long paragraphs, if possible, for better readability by readers on a computer screen. This also helps you save space when it is printed.

4. Adding In Irrelevant Content For The Sake Of Aesthetic Appeal

Make sure every piece of content you include in your eLearning deliverable is on-topic and relevant. Don’t just use images, graphics, or design elements for aesthetic appeal, these can take away from the value if they're not related to achieving learning objectives/goals [1]. Aesthetically pleasing doesn't mean equally valuable for learning—make every effort toward including both types of content, where appropriate, so that learners will get more out of their experience overall.

5. Underestimating The Value Of Carefully Crafted Content

eLearning courses that are successful must include high-quality content. To develop your course, you should hire a professional writer or editor to help with the organization and grammar in each section of the text, as well as to make sure all the relevant information is included so learners can follow along easily without getting lost.

6. Concentrating On Graphic Design Instead Of Course Navigation

While graphic design is a top priority in eLearning course development, it must never win out over easy navigation [2]. Your learners will be frustrated or confused if they cannot easily navigate your courses and modules—without exception!

7. Not Utilizing Emerging Technologies Or Multimedia Tools

Being a creative professional today, you'll find that there are plenty of tools at your disposal. Learning about the various technologies available and how they can benefit your design strategies is key to understanding what's happening in this ever-changing industry. So keep up with where technology has headed. Make sure all the media used were expected for now, such as podcasts or video footage. Also, understand why these elements will become even more important in the future when learners want content that fits their needs better than anything else does right now.


[1] 7 Tips To Choose Images And Graphics For Your eLearning Course

[2] Top 10 Graphic Design Tips For eLearning Success

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