4 Metrics To Look For In Your Next Employee Onboarding System

4 Metrics To Look For In Your Next Employee Onboarding System

4 Metrics To Look For In Your Next Employee Onboarding System

What To Look For In Your Next Employee Onboarding System

Your employee onboarding system plays a huge part in your induction process. and shapes the impression your new starters have the company and their place within it. Understanding what is and isn’t working is vital to providing the best possible training, but what should you actually be measuring? Check out these 4 metrics you should look for in your next employee onboarding system.

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1. Completion Rates

Your employee onboarding system should keep track of your new starters’ completion rates and progress so you can individually monitor each worker’s performance and journey within your onboarding program.

You should be able to easily monitor which resources are the highest performing, and which may need further work on. With this, you can use the data to gain invaluable insights into what your workers are enjoying or what they are finding more difficult or less enjoyable. This provides you with the context to reach out to them to ask for feedback and to gain further insights.

2. Engagement Rates

Your training will fail to ever really take off if you can’t engage your new starters. The onboarding process should be fun and exciting for your workers, so your training materials need to match these expectations.

It’s important to monitor how long it’s taken workers to get through resources as well as how often they’re on your employee onboarding system. If certain resources are taking a lot longer to get through then others, you can quickly see where they may be having difficulties or require extra help. With this in mind, you can either reach out to them face-to-face or create additional digital resources to help them better understand the topics.

It’s important to do this sooner rather than later; if the right amount of support isn’t in place, then new starters could be left feeling unengaged or failing to meet the organization’s standards of productivity and performance.

3. Quality Of Resources

The point of induction is to get your new starters up-to-speed and able to succeed within your organization. Your employee onboarding system should support you with doing this help by enabling the use of digital resources to speed up the onboarding process. It’s important to ensure your resources are providing the necessary information and tools to accelerate the performance and productivity of your workers.

Using quizzes and feedback, assess how competent your new starters are after accessing your digital resources. Look at the user rating for your resources, and the aggregated responses of your quizzes and assessments to measure quality. Are your workers finding their jobs easier? Is it becoming quicker than ever within the company to train staff? These are the kinds of questions you should be focusing on measuring to ensure your digital resources are actually serving their purpose and providing value to both workers and the organization.

4. Return On Investment

This one is a tricky one to measure using just your employee onboarding system, however, there are some key metrics you should be looking at to determine the value of your system, and how these affect your ROI:

Have your workers been performing better because of the quality of your employee onboarding system? Consider if sales staff are making more money for the business because of their training, or if there are lower financial risks because of compliance training.

It’s also worth measuring the turnover rate. High turnovers are expensive and extremely time-consuming for organizations, so your employee onboarding system should aim to minimize this by best supporting your new starters and keeping them engaged with your training throughout the onboarding process.

Your employee onboarding system is the foundation of the induction process. It’s important to consider the data you can measure through your chosen platform, as this is ultimately your basis for understanding how to best support your workers moving forward and what adjustments or improvements are needed.

As well as using your training platform to measure results, you should also be using it to gain insights into the kinds of questions you should be asking your workers. Use key data as the basis for starting a conversation with new starters and asking for their feedback. Your employee onboarding system should be saving you the time of having to conduct loads of tests and repeating strategies that do not work for your company. Set clear long-term goals for your training and then focus on the metrics outlined above to see what is and isn’t working and to continuously be working towards your goals.

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