Enhancing Video eLearning With Widgets

The Use Of Widgets In Video eLearning To Improve The Learning Experience

The Use Of Widgets In Video eLearning To Improve The Learning Experience

The Use Of Widgets In Video eLearning To Improve The Learning Experience

TheTalkList augments many online and face-to-face language learning environments by connecting students with tutors for 1-to-1 video eLearning conversation practice sessions. One-on-one conversations are more engaging, because they can be tailored specifically for the needs of the student. When the students control the time and the topic, they become contextually engaged, making the language learning process more effective.

While this dynamic environment increases the effectiveness of each session, both the student and the tutor need additional, accessible resources during the conversation to supplement traditional learning structures. To address this need, an enhanced learning environment that includes widgets for immediate access to online content in addition to a standard video viewer and basic chat is the answer.

What are widgets?

Widgets are small applications that allow us to perform specific tasks, and augment a conversation with students to broaden their vocabulary on a plethora of topics.


There are distinct benefits that widgets offer. These benefits contribute to the dynamic and contextual nature of conversational practice, while offering students and tutors access to fresh, timely information:


The use of online materials requires careful attention to what is being accessed. The Internet provides incorrect and/or inappropriate information just as easily as it provides valuable information. The advantage of live, 1-to-1 conversations is that the tutor has the ability to make sure that inappropriate material is avoided or more importantly, is able to discuss with the student why some information will not be used. The dynamic nature of conversational practice allows for addressing concerns or issues rapidly unlike independently searched or static content.

Case Scenario for Widgets

As an example, the widgets used in TheTalkList Vee-Session includes:

The eLearning environment allows for flexibility, a rich student and tutor relationship, and the potential for innovation. Widgets act as an essential tool, and useful complement to the language learning experience.

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