Experience Design Capabilities To Look For In Virtual Training Delivery Solutions

Experience Design Capabilities To Look For In Virtual Training Delivery Solutions

Experience Design Capabilities To Look For In Virtual Training Delivery Solutions

How To Find The Perfect Virtual Training Delivery Solution

Choosing the right fit for your organizational and training needs can be a complex process, especially with so many solutions available in the market. It is time to talk about the features you should look for in your virtual training delivery solution and a few essential tips to choose the solution that fits your vision best.

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Experiential Learning Strategies For Enterprises: Building Real-World Experiences In Remote Learning Environments
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The most important feature you need from your virtual training delivery solution is unlimited customization capabilities. You should not have to sacrifice your Experience Design vision due to a platform that allows you little creative freedom. Here are some features Adobe Connect offers to empower instructors to create training programs that perfectly fit their needs. Small functional windows, called pods, instantly expand your developing capabilities by taking any shape or form you need. They can be games, polls, chat boxes, timers, video players, LMS integrations, and many more. Combine them to create comprehensive storyboards (also called layouts), which direct the learner's attention where you want. Furthermore, templates give you the ability to save your preferred virtual training environment and share it with your colleagues. Finally, they are also persistent, which means that once you set them up, you can reuse them as many times as you need. This way, you create consistent learning experiences for your audience quickly and effectively.

Learner Engagement

But is there a way to ensure motivation among users? Advanced virtual training delivery solutions make sure of it, offering learners the opportunity to actively participate in the learning process. Chats, polls, quizzes, and reactions help them pose questions and express their opinions in an easy and stress-free way that does not disrupt the session or draw unnecessary attention to them. Collaboration and participation within groups become more accessible with breakout rooms that allow learners to tackle assignments in smaller teams. Finally, learners can access training content from any device and at any time with the asynchronous browsing feature that remains interactive, as if the session is happening in real-time.


One of the great benefits of online learning is that it makes knowledge accessible to everyone regardless of their physical limitations. Make your training sessions accommodative for people with disabilities by leveraging descriptive audio, subtitles, screen readers, different size and font settings, etc. This ensures compliance with accessibility mandates but, most importantly, drives participation engagement and retention.


From creating to delivering virtual training experiences, you want to ensure that your material is safe from cyber threats. Invest in a virtual training delivery solution that utilizes a robust encryption and security framework that protects your hard work from falling into the wrong hands. A differentiating privilege system can also be part of your security system. This will ensure that hosts have the highest control in the session compared to other participants.

Start-To-Finish Control

Although this is the last point in this list, it is certainly one of the most important ones. The virtual training delivery solution that will be able to bring your experience design to life must give you control over the process from start to finish. We have already talked about development features that give form to the learning experience. However, you should also look for features that let you shape your virtual learning environment. Finally, it is important to have access to promotion and tracking features that give you insight into performance statistics regarding the success and reach of your virtual training program.

3 Tips To Choose The Right Virtual Training Delivery Solution

Search In Specialized Directories

Many vendors claim to offer the necessary capabilities to bring Experiential Learning from theory to practice. Since it is practically impossible to vet them all for credibility, the specialized directory is the place to look for. There, you will find vendors with certified high-quality services as well as detailed descriptions of their key features and services. Use the built-in filters to narrow down your choices and compare features to find the best fit for your organization.

Take Advantage Of Demo Stages

Researching each virtual training solution's specific features is good, but trying them out is better. Many solutions offer demos or free trials for a limited period of time. Remember to prepare a few scenarios beforehand so that you are ready to get to work as soon as possible. In fact, using common requirements to test all solutions allows you to compare effectiveness, user-friendliness, and reliability among vendors.

Determine Primary Use Cases

Last but not least, take the testing process one step further by designing a primary use case that perfectly captures your Experience Design objectives and the needs of your target audience. Then, ask a few of the vendors for a use case demonstration. This process will truly shine a light on the specific capabilities of each solution and let you see the exact type of learning experiences it will let you create for your learners.


Experiential learning can elevate your virtual training program as long as it is accompanied by the right solution. In this guide, we talked about the most prominent features you should look for in your next virtual training delivery solution, as well as some collaborative learning ideas you can implement in your own organization. The next step is putting all this knowledge into action to find the right platform.

Download the eBook Experiential Learning Strategies For Enterprises: Building Real-World Experiences In Remote Learning Environments today to launch programs that leave a lasting impression and maximize ROI.

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