The First-Time Buyers' Guide To Learning Management Systems [eBook]

The First-Time Buyers' Guide To Learning Management Systems [eBook]

The First-Time Buyers' Guide To Learning Management Systems [eBook]

Learning Management System Basics, Benefits, And Buying Tips

Purchasing your first Learning Management System can be daunting. Do you really need an online training platform? How do you make a strong business case to get stakeholder buy-in? What should you look for in an LMS to get maximum ROI? This eBook is intended for first-time LMS owners on a fact-finding mission. You need to know if a Learning Management System is a wise investment for your organization and, if so, how to qualify vendors to get top value for money.

eBook Release
The First-Time Buyers' Guide To Learning Management Systems
This ultimate guide has all the info you need to make a successful business case and find the best LMS for your L&D needs.

Why Learning Management Systems Are An Employee Development Staple

You might be on the fence about Learning Management Systems because resources are limited and you aren't sure if it's worth the price of admission. However, every business should consider an LMS to centralize online training resources, boost employee performance, and gather valuable Big Data. Another crucial factor is accessibility. Every member of your team can log in to the system to get moment of need support, pursue certification paths, and test their knowledge.

About This eBook

While this eBook does explore the many profitable perks that an LMS brings to your organization, it also takes it a step further by offering insider buying secrets. For example, features you should add to your LMS shopping list to warrant the investment. Here's a sneak preview of what you'll find inside:

Despite the fact that it's ideal for first-time buyers, every business can benefit from this guide. For instance, companies that need to switch from their current Learning Management System but aren't sure which qualities to look for in their next vendor.


Download the eBook The First-Time Buyers' Guide To Learning Management Systems for more insights to determine if LMS rewards outweigh the financial risks for your organization. It explores what an LMS is, what it's not, and how to choose a system that's just right for your talent development program.

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