eBook Release: How Gamification Is Reshaping Corporate Training - Featuring 10 Examples

Free eBook: How Gamification Is Reshaping Corporate Training - Featuring 10 Examples
Summary: This eBook, How Gamification Is Reshaping Corporate Training – Featuring 10 examples, provides several insights on the usage of gamification for serious learning, and how you can use it for your diverse corporate training needs to increase employee engagement and boost performance.

Gamification Is Reshaping Corporate Training: 10 Examples How

Usage of gamification for corporate training, particularly for serious learning, that is, meeting specific learning outcomes, is more than a buzz today. If you look at the stats shown here, it is clearly impacting and transforming the corporate training today.

eBook Release: Get an eBook on How Gamification Is Reshaping Corporate Training, by EI Design
eBook Release
Get an eBook on How Gamification Is Reshaping Corporate Training, by EI Design
This eBook provides several insights on the usage of Gamification for serious learning.

"Worldwide revenues for Game-based Learning products reached $2.6 billion in 2016. The global five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a robust 22.4%. Revenues will surge to $7.3 billion by 2021".

Source: The 2016-2021 Worldwide Game-based Learning Market, Ambient Insight, LLC

I have structured the eBook into 5 sections addressing the complete spectrum of your queries, as you integrate gamification for the first time or are seeking approaches to step up your existing gamification strategy.

Towards the end of the eBook, I have provided details of my other articles as well as microlearning nuggets on gamification.

What You Can Expect From The eBook

Through a series of questions and answers, this eBook on How Gamification Is Reshaping Corporate Training – Featuring 10 Examples addresses the typical questions you may have as you look at integrating gamification into your learning strategy.

I, also share several examples that will help you identify how you can use gamification, to enhance the impact of most of your corporate training needs.

The eBook addresses questions like:

  1. What is gamification?
  2. What are the benefits of gamification?
  3. Does gamification in eLearning truly help learners learn?
  4. Can gamification meet specific learning outcomes like traditional eLearning, or is it 'just fun and no specific learning gain'?
  5. How does gamification enhance learning?
  6. How does gamification impact learning?
  7. How is gamification impacting corporate training?
  8. Why should you adopt gamification as a significant strategy to engage your employees and boost performance?
  9. What factors contribute to successful gamification in training?
  10. What are the advantages of using gamification vis-a-vis traditional eLearning?
  11. Can gamification be applied to any training, or is it successful when used in certain kinds of trainings?
  12. Can gamified trainings meet specific learning outcomes like the traditional online/ILT programs?

About The eBook

The eBook is organized as:

Section 1: Gamification Basics

This section covers the definition and benefits of using gamification in corporate training.

Section 2: Gamification For Serious Learning

This section explores crucial aspects like:

  • Is gamification only fun and does not lead to learning?
  • Can it truly impact and enhance learning?

Section 3: Gamification In Corporate Training

This section outlines usage of gamification in various areas of corporate training. It showcases how you can use it to engage your employees and boost performance.

Section 4: Validating The Suitability Of Gamification In Corporate Training

This section looks at aspects that are on top of your mind. Particularly, when you look at integrating it for the first time. These include aspects like impact of gamification vis-à-vis traditional eLearning strategies and suitability of gamification to meet training needs.

Section 5: Examples Of Gamification In Corporate Training

In this section, I pick a range of examples that show the evolution or maturity of usage of gamification for corporate training. My examples how you how you can apply it -from entry level partial gamification, to game-based or gamified concepts, and thereafter to the next-gen gamified portals, that integrate social learning and microlearning techniques.

Do download this eBook, How Gamification Is Reshaping Corporate Training –Featuring 10 examples, and see how you can integrate it to improve learner engagement and enhance your learning strategy. The featured examples showcase how exactly you can use gamification-based strategy to enhance the impact of your existing learning strategy.

The Impact

You will see why gamification should be an integral part of your online training. It will help you achieve higher learner engagement and boost employee performance.

More significantly, an exhaustive list of 10 examples shows you how it can address your diverse corporate training needs.

If you have any specific queries or would like to see how you can use gamification in your organization, do contact me at [email protected].

eBook Release: EI
EI is an emotionally intelligent learning experience design company that partners with customers in their Digital Transformation journey.
Originally published on September 26, 2017